Systems for monitoring and analysis of arc welding, products for industrial automation.
Systems for monitoring and analysis of arc welding, products for industrial automation.
Akorda Shop. Internetový obchod, prodej, e-shop: -elektronické a videovrátné systémy -elektro -hodinky -instalatérství -měření počasí -měřící technika -satelitní technika -topné a chladící systémy, -úsporné, LED žárovky -výpočetní technika.
Delivery: - DC/AC pure sine wave inverters - DC/DC converters - island and backup systems - AGM, Gel VRLA Battery.
Sales, online store: -electric components resistors, diodes -kits, electrical kits.
Prodej - baterie Prodej - videokazety
Sales, repair, service: - computers - electronic parts
Production: - switchgear Work, crafts: - electrical installation - plumbing - gas company Sale: - plumbing and heating material
Prodej - kamerové systémy Prodej - měniče Prodej - spínače Měření, automatizaceprodej - regulátory Prodej - servopohony
Prodej - elektronické součástky
Custom development and production: - atypical electronic devices. PC service, computers, computer technology.
Maloobchod, velkoobchod, e - shop - alarmy - videotelefony Maloobchod, velkoobchod, e - shop - sejfy Maloobchod, velkoobchod, e-shop - hotelové fény - elektrické osoušeče rukou Maloobchod a velkoobchod, e-shop - elektroinstalační materiál - spojovací kabely pro TV, audio, video Maloobchod, velkoobchod, e-shop - baterie Maloobchod, velkoobchod, e …
Sale: -oscilloscopes, power analyzers, current probes, generators, data loggers of the company YOKOGAWA Test and Measurement -vibration, force, pressure, torsion sensors of torque from PCB Piezotronics -microphones, sound meters by Larson Davis -RLC bridges by Wayne Kerr Electronics - thermal cameras from Infratec -TEAC data recorders.
Prodej - bezpečnostní zařízení Prodej - elektroinstalační materiál - kabelové spojky - elektrochemické články - kabelové koncovky - korektory - vázací a upevňovací systémy - kondenzátory Prodej - akumulátory - baterie (záložní zdroje) - elektrochemické články - korektory - vázací a upevňovací systémy - kondenzátory Prodej -…
Dodávka - elektrosoučástky
Prodej - akumulátory - baterie
Sales - machines and material for the production of printed circuit boards and chips.
We provide modernization, reconstruction, optimization and turnkey deliveries of boilers, boiler rooms and engine rooms.
Sales, assembly and service - camera systems - security control panels Construction - telephone exchanges - home phones Service - telephone exchanges - home phones Sale - telecommunications Sales and assembly - computer technology (laptops, monitors, ...) Service - computer technology laptops, monitors renovation - toners …
Battery Import s.r.o. a company engaged in the sale of all batteries and accessories for charging, maintenance and operation of the accumulator. Car batteries of world brands such as Banner, Bosch, Exide, Varta, Superstart, Yuasa and Optima. We offer types of all capacities and we are happy to advise you on the choice for a car or motorcycle, the novelty is the commissioning of a lead motor…
On-line prodej LED osvětlení a elektronických součástek. V nabídce LED diody, LED žárovky, LED pásky a další. Nakupujte kvalitní LED osvětlení za skvělé ceny.
Publishing - CAR&HIFI magazine Wholesale - exclusive representation of FOCAL Car for the Czech Republic
Sales - industrial electronics based on microprocessors, including analog circuits. Induction flow meter electronics, calorimeters, level meters. Development - industrial electronics based on microprocessors, including analog circuits. Induction flow meter electronics, calorimeters, level meters.
Sale - antennas - travel adapters - audio - video - portable audio - CD, DVD media - electrical installation material - inlets and outlets - extension cables - surge protection - flashlights - photo accessories - headphones and microphones - memory cards - time switches.
Proposals, projections, implementation: - electrotechnical equipment