Audio and video

Are you looking for a complete range of audio video equipment such as speakers, headphones, MP3 and MP4, Hi-fi, DVD and Blu-ray, multiroom systems, home theaters, CD and DVD players, reveivery, amplifiers and tuners? Make sure you experience the perfect sound and image!

David Šulc

Our company was established in 1994. We specialize in school and melodic ringtones, municipal and school radio, sound systems for sports halls and swimming stadiums. Since its inception, we have successfully implemented many orders and "left" many satisfied customers. We look forward to working with you. We firmly believe that you will join the crowd of our satisfied customers.

AV Event s.r.o.

Pronájem prezentační techniky a kongresové služby. Tlumočení, ozvučení, projekce, osvětlení, pódia, audiovizuální přenosy a záznamy. projektory, plazmy, projekční plátna s přední i zadní projekcí, notebooky, pc, kancelářskou techniku, kamery, audio video technika, LCD obrazovky, řečnické pulty, zvuková a osvětlovací technika atd.. Servis dataprojektorů, čištění atd.

Mada servis, s.r.o. - MT ELEKTRO

Mada servis, s.r.o. since 2000, he has been active in the sale and servicing of mobile phones, mobile phones, game consoles and other electronics (laptops, tablets, computers, computers, televisions). Mada servis, Dlouhá třída 13b Havířov is the dispensing point of MT ELEKTRO. It focuses on the sale of assortment Media - Tech and PRESTIGIO. We provide financial loans for pledging gold, mobile…

Libor Bláha

Assembly, repair, service: - antennas - equipment for receiving digital broadcasts Services: - signal measurement - minor electrical installation work - installation of data networks and distribution for the Internet Repair, service: - electronics Production, repair, service: - remote controls