Education and science

Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

TOVIA s.r.o.

Strategic planning and management of the organization: - resources and communication - production of products and services - organizational development - evaluation and improvement -selective management of information systems ERP, CRM, MES systems - Interim management - use of temporary manager services - coaching

ARMAGA s.r.o.

-Pořádání odborných kurzů, školení a jiných vzdělávacích akcí včetně lektorské činnosti -Pořádání dětských rekreačních a rekreačně- vzdělávacích akcí -Pořádání kulturních produkcí, zábav a provozování zařízení sloužících zábavě -Poskytování služeb osobního charakteru -Koupě zboží za účelem jeho dalšího prodeje a prodej -Reklamní a propagační činnost -Výroba audiovizuálních děl …

Mgr. Anna Doubková - poradenské a lektorské služby, mentoring a koučing

Lecturer Mgr. Anna Doubková offers education and counseling services for individuals and groups. We provide training for mentors for schools, coaching teachers, we organize courses for company managers and personal development courses. We are located in the town of Přibyslav. Our activity: - training, coaching for teachers, school principals - mentoring - training of mentors for schools …

FlowControl, s.r.o.

-Production of measuring, testing, navigation, optical and photographic instruments and equipment -Manufacture of machinery and equipment -Wholesale and retail trade -Research and development in the field of natural and technical sciences or social sciences -Mediation of trade and services -Repair and maintenance of household needs, cultural objects, fine mechanics products, optical…

Chaloupky, zemědělské družstvo

-Animal breeding and training (excluding animal production) -Manufacture of food and starch products -Manufacture of feed, feed mixtures, additives and premixes -Wood processing, production of wooden, cork, wicker and straw products -Mediation of trade and services -Wholesale and retail trade -Rental and lending of movables -Operation of cultural, cultural-educational and entertainment…