Education and science

Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Mavo, s.r.o.

Rekvalifikační kurzy: -masér, -kosmetika, -pedikúra, -manikúra, -nehtová modeláž, -kadeřnictví. Adresy provozoven (učeben): Kadeřnictví (učebna SOU Industria II, Bělehradská 58, Ústí nad Labem) Pedikúra + nehtové poradenství, masáže ( nám. Republiky 1, Duchcov ) Manikúra + nehtové poradenství - Studio IVA, Bohosudovská 48, Krupka Kosmetika - OK Studio, Zahradní 92, Ústí…

Střední odborná škola energetická a stavební, Obchodní akademie a Střední zdravotnická škola - Chomutov, příspěvková organizace

The Secondary Vocational School of Energy and Construction, the Business Academy and the Secondary Medical School, as its name suggests, provide its students with a comprehensive secondary education in many interesting fields. We offer our students both graduation and study fields. These are, for example, the safety and protection of the population, an electronics mechanic, a fire protection…

Střední škola technická, Most, příspěvková organizace

The Technical Secondary School, a contributory organization based in Most, is a state school providing secondary education in many different fields. The beginnings of the school date back to the fifties. Our school was created by the transformation of the classic SOU, which was conceived as an educational facility of Severočeské Hnědouhelné doly. It is a large area, whose capacity is sufficient…