Education and science

Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Miroslav Bezouška

We provide a complete organization of educational events, especially in the construction industry. We provide: - conferences - congresses - educational events - seminars - presentation - training - organizational service. We have experience in arranging events from a few dozen people to hundreds of visitors. We also provide advice on organizing events and organizing.


Zabýváme se: - poradenská činnost - pořádání rekvalifikačních kurzů a workshopů z oblasti vizáží, modelingu, modeláže nehtů, nehtové kosmetiky, masáží a dalších. Prodej: - zboží pro manikérky, pedikérky a nehtové designerky.

Vyšší odborná škola, Střední průmyslová škola - Střední odborná škola služeb

Higher Vocational School, Secondary Industrial School and Secondary Vocational School of Services and Tourism, Varnsdorf, Bratislavská 2166, a contributory organization provides a range of attractive fields that will ensure graduates a good job in future employment. It offers its students education in teaching and study fields, graduation studies and higher professional studies. Each field of…

CHVALIS s.r.o.

Hydraulics, pneumatics, design, service, maintenance, custom manufacturing, lubrication: -service of hydraulics -service of pneumatics -maintenance of hydraulics - 24-hour service, mobile phone: +420-737222233 -hydraulic units -hydraulic blocks -hydraulic hoses -spare parts for hydraulics and pneumatics: -union, valves, cylinders, filters, pumps, materials, hoses, accumulators, filter…