Education and science

Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Zdenek Hamrozi

Činnost koordinátora bezpečnosti práce na staveništích nebo stavbách - bezpečnost práce Školení - požární ochrana Montáž a servis - požární zařízení Doprava - nákladní (mezinárodní a vnitrostátní) - převoz oděvů na ramínkách v bezprašné kabině Opravy - plynové krby a zařízení Deratizace - dezinfenkce - dezinsekce, s.r.o.

WATER - GAS - HEATING Delivery, assembly, service and revision: - boiler - heat pumps - solar systems (retail sales) EDUCATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Organization of professional courses in the field of adult education: - management of secretariats - andragogy - social work - communication skills - ethics in life and in business - secretariat-business card of the manager …


Occupational safety and health: - hazard identification - solving work accidents - traffic safety control activity - training of employees and managers - work at heights - revisions, inspections, operator training. Fire protection: - development of PO documentation - fire inspections - training of managers and employees - revisions, checks - fire marking. Consulting in…

Tomáš Kempný - Rodopisné služby Kempný

I offer complete services in the area of creating family trees, from searching and translating records, through creating a family tree to graphic editing and printing. I started to gather experience in the field in 2009, and I have been professionally engaged in genealogy since January 2012. I am based in Ostrava and specialize mainly in Northern Moravia and Silesia, but there is no problem with…