Education and science

Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.


KINDERGARTEN 'U PASTELKY' offers you its services in solving problems in education and focuses on the training of controllability and obedience of puppies. In our center we are dedicated to puppies aged 10 to 18 weeks and we help to raise problem-free and controllable pets. We perform the practice of biting regulation, we create the right hierarchical human-dog connections, the practice of…

Střední průmyslová škola technická

Educational fields: Mechanical engineering with a focus on CAD/CAM systems and languages Mechanical engineering with a focus on technical photography and promotion Mechatronics Technical Lyceum Mechanic adjuster Mechanic electrical engineer Machine mechanic - locksmith Toolmaker Metal worker Motor vehicle repair mechanic - car mechanic Electrician - weak current Electrician - high…

Ing. Bohdan Jacyšin - KONTAKT

EXPORT, IMPORT: - skleněné figurky, sklo - skleněné zboží - topenářské zboží - ponorná čerpadla - malá zemědělská technika ( rotavátory, sekačky ) - zastoupení společnosti MOTOR Jíkov Vodňany PŘEKLADATELSTVÍ: - překlady odborných textů a prospektů do ruštiny a ukrajinštiny a zpět CERTIFIKACE: - zajištění certifikace teplárenských výrobků na Ukrajině MARKETING: - marketing a…