Education and science

Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Lucie Čechová

Prodej - nehtová kosmetika Prodej - nehtová kosmetika Manikúra - modelaž nehtů (různé metody) - P-shine - parafínové zábaly Akreditované rekvalifikační kurzy - parafínové zábaly rukou a nohou - modelace nehtů rukou a nohourekvalifikační kurzy - manikúra (včetně nehtové modeláže)doplňkové kurzy - P-shinekurzy - Nail art …

Luboš Mrkus

Cosmetics - face lifting - galvanic iron Courses - Hirudotherapy - exercise and belly dancing - mobilization techniques Energy treatment - reiki - consultation and advice with the application of medical leech Thermotherapy - BioMat Psychotherapy - psychological counseling for children and adults Massage and therapy - more than 30 species -…