
Library readers offers the possibility to borrow books, foreign-language literature, professional journals, fiction, audio, audio books, educational literature or textbooks. City and county libraries often provide internet access, printing, and interlibrary loan.

Knihovna města Hradce Králové

Services of the central rental office: - fiction loans - loans of scientific literature - borrowing magazines and newspapers - loans of foreign language fiction - full-time loans from specialized funds - loans from other libraries through the interlibrary loan service - orientation information - library information education lessons and excursions for secondary schools. Reading…

Studijní a vědecká knihovna v Hradci Králové

Today's Study and Science Library in Hradec Králové was founded in 1949, but its origins can be linked to the establishment of the Municipal Industrial Museum in Hradec Králové in 1896. The name State Scientific Library in Hradec Králové was acquired by the library in 1954, and essentially since then it began to fulfill its main task, which continues to this day: to build a universal fund of…

Městská knihovna Náchod, o. p. s

City Library: - borrowing books and magazines from our own fund of 172,000 volumes - interlibrary loan service from other libraries - a fund of dictionaries and encyclopedias from all scientific fields for face-to-face study - a specialized fund of regional literature concerning the Náchod district - Collection of laws of the Czech Republic - information from computer databases / ASPI…

Městské kulturní středisko Sobotka

The Municipal Cultural Center Sobotka organizes cultural and social events in the city. It deals with the promotion of the city and publishing promotional materials, providing information, organizing the Šrámkova Sobotka festival, publishing the Šrámkova Sobotka Newsletter and managing the city's website. The Municipal Cultural Center Sobotka (MKS Sobotka) is a contributory organization of the…