Waste recycling and disposal

Collection of municipal waste, its subsequent sorting, recycling and eventual disposal of mixed and sorted waste are in charge of specialized companies, which are trying with regard to the environment to remove the created waste what the most environmentally friendly way.

SPRESO s.r.o.

Reclamation, rehabilitation: -all landfills -use of stabilized sludge from wastewater treatment plants -cleaning of ponds, retention tanks, riverbeds and streams -waste disposal - production of fertilizers and composts - production of artificial soils -extraction of lagoons - sale of fuels and lubricants. It offers: -cleaning ponds, riverbeds and streams - transport and…

NH-Recycling CZ, s.r.o. Recyklace odpadů

Recyklace ADPE lahví, plastové láhve (lahve), kanystrů, kanystry, folií, fólie ,plastů a technologických odpadů, technologické odpady. Výroba regranulátů a drtí, drť. Recyklace (likvidace) odpadů,práce a nakládání s odpady,přeprava odpadů. Prodej recyklátu a granulátu. Sběr a výkup PET lahví(plasty). Sběrný dvůr-druhotné suroviny. Efektivní využití nápojových PET lahví. Sídlo: Hrušky,…

Jiří Trecha - Kovošrot

We are engaged in the purchase and processing of electrical scrap, discarded electronics, switchboards, contactors, circuit breakers, transformers, computers, cables, printed circuit boards, semiconductor components and other electrical components, non-ferrous and precious metals, we provide waste collection and environmental disposal. In case of interest, we will deliver containers for export…

ŠEDOVÁ s.r.o.

Services: Processing and purchase: - non-ferrous metals -specialization in lead waste -distribution of lead products: - tire weights -dismantling production and technological wholes - lead casting according to customer requirements - complete service for tire repair shops - processing of electronic waste Sale: - lead alloy in rolls -balancing tire weights. Cleaning work E…

BAMBAS Elektroodpady s.r.o.

Purchase and processing of waste containing precious metals. - discarded office computer and control technology -computers, printers, monitors, printed circuit boards, separate gold-plated and silver-plated connectors, technological control systems, telephone exchanges, calculators, mobile phones, medical devices, measuring and control technology, lead, copper *, electric cables, etc. …

KRN, spol.s r.o.

The company KRN, spol.s r.o. deals with the purchase, processing, disposal and recycling of metal waste. We buy all types of ferrous and cast iron metal waste, non-ferrous metals, cables, metal packaging and mixed metals, except hazardous waste. We provide our own collection, we have trucks with waste containers equipped with loading hydraulic cranes, we use truck cranes with a load capacity of 8…

EPR PAPÍR s.r.o.

Obchodní činnost. Nákup, prodej, sběr a svoz odpadů, výkup a úprava druhotných surovin, likvidace a zpracování: -sběrový papír -barevné kovy -železný šrot -odpady -recyklované odpady, recyklované druhotné suroviny -kontejnery -skleněné střepy (sklo) -PE fólie. Sídlo firmy: -EPR PRAHA s.r.o., Zámecká ulice, Svitavy, tel.: 461541763, 461535117 -EPR Bratislava s.r.o.,…

VF, a.s., Středisko JE DUKOVANY

Services: -radiation control and radiation protection in nuclear energy -radiation protection in healthcare and industry -measurement of natural radioactivity -measurement and control technological processes -comprehensive building automation. Software development and production. Sale: -electric components switchboards -backup power systems and UPS sales *.

EKOR, s.r.o.

Our company operates in the field of waste management and hazardous waste management. Our services also include technical services, specialized retail and preparatory work for constructions. Waste management, waste management: -communal waste - collection from citizens and companies - landfilling of waste at a controlled landfill in Těmice -container transport, container rental -removal…

AMEC Nuclear Czech Republic, a.s.

-services of the decontamination and the disposal of radioactive waste in nuclear industry -production and supply of decontaminating devices and equipment -measuring of dosimetric guantities -hazardous waste processing and treatment (sludges, ion-exchangers, oils) to SIAL mould -detection, measuring and disposal of radioactive substances from environment -consultation and expert activity in…


HANTÁLY a.s. Business in the field of hazardous waste management. Waste collection, waste dumping, waste separation, rubble crushing, collection yard, sweeping, composting plant. Road motor freight transport. Container transport and rental of containers in the districts of Břeclav, Hodonín, Hustopeče u Brno Loading and collection of waste and disposal of municipal waste - collection of…

JELÍNEK - TRADING spol. s r.o.

The company JELÍNEK - TRADING spol. s r.o. in Zlín specializes in the processing of plastic waste, is engaged in the recycling of plastics and production of plastic regranulates and other products. It offers manufacturing and design companies the professional advice and products necessary to ensure the highest possible quality of products within the ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 standards. At present,…

JELÍNEK - TRADING spol. s r.o.

The company JELÍNEK - TRADING spol. s.r.o. is one of the largest processors of plastic waste and on its recycling line in Krelov provides recycling of plastics and also specializes in the production of PP regranulates and compounds. Plastics recycling is very important because: - protect the environment, - reduces production costs, - brings further possibilities of utilization of these raw…


Likvidace: -odpady i komunální. Svoz, sběr: -odpadu -velkokapacitní kontejnéry, vany. Služby: -recyklace: -stavební sutě (sutí, suť*). Speciální práce: -demoliční (demolice komíny, kontejnery) -pyrolýzní úprava komunálního odpadu -plazmotronové spalovny toxických látek -mytí a desinfekce popelnic -čištění skládkových vod (filtrace) -biologické čištění ropných…

DEPOZ, spol.s r.o.

Our company is the operator of the municipal waste landfill Nětčice, a composting plant and a recycling area for construction waste. Landfill, composting plant. Landfilling: -waste, garbage -waste S-003 -other waste not hazardous -construction rubble, rubble, rubble -waste of geological exploration, mining, processing and further processing of minerals and stone -waste from…

Metalšrot Tlumačov a.s.

The main field of the company Metalšrot Tlumačov a.s. is ecological disposal of car wrecks and technological units. We are also your partner for the purchase of iron, non-ferrous metals, we carry out waste recycling and we also deal with the subsequent sale of treated scrap metal, scrap metal and non-ferrous metals. In the locality Zlín, Zlínský, Olomoucký kraj we have in addition to the…

Metalšrot Tlumačov a.s. - středisko Olomouc

Metalšrot a.s. Olomouc provides purchase and recycling of scrap metal, iron and non-ferrous metals. The main field is ecological disposal of car wrecks, technological units. In the Olomouc Region we have other centers:  - Hranice, Tovarni - 731428517  - Prostejov, near Stadion - 604297170  - Sumperk, Hybesova 3206/2 - 583211397. The company is based in Tlumačov. Purchase, processing,…