Waste recycling and disposal

Collection of municipal waste, its subsequent sorting, recycling and eventual disposal of mixed and sorted waste are in charge of specialized companies, which are trying with regard to the environment to remove the created waste what the most environmentally friendly way.

Demonta T, s.r.o. - Výkup papír a barevných kovů Jablunkov

Společnost Demonta T, s.r.o. se na své pobočce v Jablunkově se zaměřuje na výkup železných i barevných kovů, kovového odpadu a papíru. Jsme také místem zpětného odběru elektrozařízení a baterií. Výrobním podnikům, které produkují velké množství kovového odpadu přistavíme kontejner, zajistíme jeho odvoz a likvidaci kovového odpadu. Od firem i jednotlivců vykupujeme: - železo - barevné kovy…

Demonta T, s.r.o. - Sběrné suroviny Karviná

Společnost Demonta T, s.r.o. se na své pobočce v Karviné se zaměřuje na výkup železných i barevných kovů, kovového odpadu a papíru. Výrobním podnikům, které produkují velké množství kovového odpadu přistavíme kontejner, zajistíme jeho odvoz a likvidaci kovového odpadu. Od firem i jednotlivců vykupujeme: - železo - barevné kovy - měď - hliník -.papír - bronz - nerez ocel - kabely -…

Demonta T, s.r.o. - Železo a barevné kovy Kladno

Demonta T, s.r.o. focuses on the purchase of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, scrap metal and paper at its Kladno branch. We are also the place of take-back of electrical equipment and batteries. We will deliver a container to production companies that produce large amounts of scrap metal, ensure its collection and disposal of scrap metal. We buy from companies and individuals: - iron - Non…

Demonta T, s.r.o. - Výkup papíru a barevných kovů Louny

Demonta T, s.r.o. focuses on the purchase of paper, ferrous metal, non-ferrous metals and waste at its Louny branch. We are also the place of take-back of electrical equipment and batteries. We will deliver a container to production companies that produce large amounts of scrap metal, ensure its collection and disposal of scrap metal. We buy from companies and individuals: - iron - Non…

Demonta T, s.r.o. - Ekologická likvidace autovraků Ostrava

Demonta T, s.r.o. focuses on the purchase of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, scrap metal and paper at its branch in Ostrava. It operates car scrap yards and ecological disposal of vehicles. We are also the place of take-back of electrical equipment and batteries. We will deliver a container to production companies that produce large amounts of scrap metal, ensure its collection and disposal…

Demonta T, s.r.o. - Výkup papír, železo Petřvald

Demonta T, s.r.o. focuses on the purchase of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, scrap metal and paper at its branch in Petřvald. It is also a take-back point for electrical equipment and batteries. We will deliver a container to production companies that produce large amounts of scrap metal, ensure its collection and disposal of scrap metal. We buy from companies and individuals: - iron - Non…

Demonta T, s.r.o. - Kovošrot Český Těšín

Demonta T, s.r.o. at its branch in Český Těšín focuses on the purchase of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, scrap metal and paper. It is also a take-back point for electrical equipment and batteries. We will deliver a container to production companies that produce large amounts of scrap metal, ensure its collection and disposal of scrap metal. We buy from companies and individuals: - iron -…

Demonta T, s.r.o. - Sběrné suroviny Karviná

Demonta T, s.r.o. at its branch in Karviná - Mizerov focuses on the purchase of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, scrap metal and paper. It is also a take-back point for electrical equipment and batteries. We will deliver a container to production companies that produce large amounts of scrap metal, ensure its collection and disposal of scrap metal. We buy from companies and individuals: -…


Waste - disposal, recycling: - polystyrene waste. Production: - polystyrene crumb and Ecostyrene (building elements, materials). Ecostyrene: - lightweight concrete - thermal and sound insulation - thermal insulation concrete - concrete filler mortar and concrete additives. We provide: - poured floors - anhydrite, foam concrete, polystyrene concrete, poured cement screeds and…


Waste - handling, recycling: - polystyrene waste. Production: - polystyrene grit and Ekostyrene (building elements, materials). Ecostyrene: - lightweight concrete - heat and sound insulation - thermally insulating concrete - filler for concrete - additives for mortars and concrete. We perform: - cast floors - anhydrite, foam concrete, polystyrene concrete, cast cement screeds…

OZO Ostrava s.r.o.

The company OZO Ostrava s.r.o. provides the citizens of the city of Ostrava, the Moravian-Silesian region and the business sector with services in the field of waste management and waste management. Beyond the scope of services for municipal authorities, he specializes in Sale of compost and soil substrate - own green products - compost Kompozo I. and substrate Zeminový substrate I. -…

OZO Ostrava s.r.o. - (Provozovna 1 - Odvoz odpadu)

The company OZO Ostrava s.r.o. deals with waste management - municipal, solid, liquid: - collection, removal - containers, containers of volume - mobile collection centers - for hazardous and bulky waste from households: - collection yards - sorting - sorting line - landfilling - Ostrava-Hrušov landfill - composting - organic residues - liquidation, disposal Waste - industrial,…

ECOCOAL, s.r.o.

Waste management. Removal of old environmental burdens. Environmental protection. In the field of explosives, the activity is associated with their purchase and sale, including marketing. The company Ecocoal, s.r.o. is the holder of the international certificate of quality and environmental management according to ČSN EN ISO 9001: 2001 and ČSN EN ISO 14001.