Waste recycling and disposal

Collection of municipal waste, its subsequent sorting, recycling and eventual disposal of mixed and sorted waste are in charge of specialized companies, which are trying with regard to the environment to remove the created waste what the most environmentally friendly way.

Tatranská odpadová spoločnosť, s.r.o., Žakovce

Prenájom strojov a zariadení Podnikanie v oblasti nakladania s nebezpečným odpadom Podnikanie v oblasti nakladania s odpadmi (nie nebezpečnými) Sprostredkovateľská činnosť v rozsahu voľných živností Kúpa tovaru na účely jeho predaja konečnému spotrebiteľovi (maloobchod), alebo na účely jeho predaja iným prevádzkovateľom živnosti (veľkoobchod)

stingrea, s.r.o.

Činnosť podnikateľských, organizačných a ekonomických poradcov Prenájom hnuteľných vecí Poskytovanie služieb rýchleho občerstvenia v spojení s predajom na priamu konzumáciu Správa a údržba bytového a nebytového fondu v rozsahu voľných živností Sprostredkovateľská činnosť v oblasti služieb Vedenie účtovníctva Kúpa tovaru na účely jeho predaja konečnému spotrebiteľovi (maloobchod) alebo iným…

Stanislav Šálka - Autodoprava, s.r.o.

Prenájom hnuteľných vecí Čistiace a upratovacie služby Prípravné práce k realizácii stavby Sprostredkovateľská činnosť v oblasti obchodu Sprostredkovateľská činnosť v oblasti výroby Poskytovanie služieb v lesníctve a poľovníctve Sprostredkovateľská činnosť v oblasti služieb Opracovanie drevnej hmoty a výroba komponentov z dreva Poskytovanie služby vedenia cudzieho motorového vozidla …

Bohuslav Žižka

Scrap Materials : - purchase of paper, iron, plastics, PET bottles, foils and non-ferrous metals - purchase and recycling of waste for further processing. Wood disposal: - chipping = crushing wood - sale of wood chips - chopped wood - sale, delivery of wood.

Jiří Trojan - Tropo

Extraction and recycling of electronic and metal waste Professional disassembly of various technological units Transportation and ecological disposal of selected types of hazardous waste Consulting activity By trading in decommissioned military equipment and various stockpiles

OVLAB spol. s r.o.

The company OVLAB spol. s.r.o. operates two industrial waste water and liquid waste treatment plants. -treatment and disposal of liquid waste - transport by ADR tanker - service work for separators of oils and other petroleum substances - technological tests of industrial wastewater treatment.

ENVISTONE, spol. s r.o.

Recycling and storage of construction and demolition waste. Sale of sand and aggregate. Construction and demolition work. Crushing and sorting of construction debris (waste) at the point of origin with mobile crushing and sorting equipment. Waste disposal: - furnace slag - molds and cores not used for casting - mold and cores used for casting - other carbon-based linings and…

Trutnovská zeleň, o.p.s.

Pěstební činnosti - úklid klestu - úklid a likvidace klestě, štěpkováním, pálením - zhotovení oplocenek - sázení jamkové, podsazeč - vyžínání ručně, mechanizovaně - prořezávky a probírky - zalesňování Výroba a prodej paliva - dříví - peletky - štěpky Úklidové činnosti - celoroční údržba zeleně kolem komunikací - údržba koryt řek a potoků - remízků - likvidace…

Tepas CZ, s.r.o.

Collection and disposal of hazardous waste: -specialization for medical supplies (waste) - hospitals, clinics, clinics, pharmacies -waste management -transport of hazardous waste throughout the Czech Republic according to ADR -waste management legislation -classification of waste -sale of special containers and packaging - keeping records of your waste. Disposal, removal of medical…

TS služby s.r.o.

The company TS služby s.r.o. Nové Město na Moravě has been providing municipal services in the Nové Město region since 1997. Our services include collection and disposal of waste (including hazardous waste) as well as maintenance of roads, sidewalks and greenery, maintenance and operation of public lighting, management and maintenance of cemeteries and, last but not least, repairs in…


TLAK SMOLÍK s.r.o. Construction company Břeclav. performs construction activities, construction works: -civil, industrial, residential - turnkey constructions - construction of family houses, family houses -ground and excavation work -micro-pressures under roads, watercourses, buildings-microtunneling, (purees) -recycling of building rubble -waste -disposition of building rubble …

ZEOPOL, s.r.o. - The Green Company

Distribution, delivery & sales: -natural and synthetic zeolites -development of new zeolite applications. Plastics & Polymer Raw Materials: -Ensuring recycling of plastics & plastic packaging -Sale and distribution of plastics and polymer raw materials Zeolite application -gas cleaning -fixation of radionuclides -liquidation of oil accidents -filtration of aquariums, ponds and…

Naja servis s.r.o.

Scrap metal, purchase, collection: -purchase, processing of scrap metal -disposition of car wrecks, car wrecks -metal waste, waste, cast iron, non-ferrous metals. Sales of sand and gravel, sand, gravel Sale of fuels, fuels: -charcoal, coke, briquettes, firewood. Sale: -metallic materials -building, building material -cement, sand, lime -construction tools -technical gases LINDE …

Naja servis s.r.o.

Scrap metal, purchase, collection: - purchase, processing of metal waste - liquidation of car wrecks, car wrecks - metal waste, waste, cast iron, non-ferrous metals. Sale of sand and gravel, sand, gravel Sales of fuel, fuel: -coal, coke, briquettes, firewood. Sale: - metallurgical materials -building materials, construction material -cement, sand, lime - wall materials - dry SALITH…

NAJA servis, s. r.o.

Scrap metal, purchase, collection: - purchase, processing of metal waste - liquidation of car wrecks, car wrecks - metal waste, waste, cast iron, non-ferrous metals. Sale of sand and gravel, sand, gravel Sales of fuel, fuel: -coal, coke, briquettes, firewood. Sale: - metallurgical materials -building materials, construction material -cement, sand, lime - wall materials - dry SALITH…


Purchase, removal, modification, processing, sale: - metal waste, scrap metal - metallurgical material -ferrous and non-ferrous metals -secondary materials - dismantling of technological equipment, metal structures - used engineering equipment -alloyed waste - cast iron -iron -steel - non-ferrous non-ferrous metals. Disposal: - in an ecological way. Certificate holder TÜV* CERT, EN…


Purchase, removal, modification, processing, sale: - metal waste, scrap metal - metallurgical material -ferrous and non-ferrous metals -secondary materials - dismantling of technological equipment, metal construction - used engineering equipment -alloyed waste - cast iron -iron -steel - non-ferrous non-ferrous metals. Disposal: - in an ecological way. Certificate…

GM TRANS s.r.o.

Road motor lorry transport: -national, domestic -international, foreign - truck, TIR up to 24 tons. Personal transport: - domestic -SORB minibus - 27 people. Transportation, disposal: -hazardous waste, hazardous waste. Export, cleaning: - septic tanks, septic tanks -well, wells, well. -faeces, faeces. Repairs, service of trucks.