Environmental projects and equipment

Environmental projects include all projects that are friendly to nature. It is therefore a revitalization of the parks, forest parks, removal of environmental burdens, recovery of the fauna, the construction of ecological and low-energy buildings and a lot of other projects.

ARVITA P spol. s r.o. - Projekty pro obnovu krajiny Zlín

ARVITA P spol. s r.o. is a design and consultancy office active in the field of design, protection and creation of landscape. We prepare expert opinions for land consolidation, land reclamation and prepare projects in the framework of planting greenery, orchards and other vegetation and projects for landscape regeneration. Designing, projection, designs:  -generals, studies, plans and…

UV servisní, spol. s r.o. - Fotovoltaika Zlín, Vsetín

We provide all electrical installation activities and minor electrical work, complete electrical work such as low current, high current, inspection of machines and lightning conductors, including photovoltaic systems. We operate in the Zlín region. Services, work: - minor electrical and wiring repairs - new electrical installations in apartments and houses - installation and management…

ALCEDO - středisko volného času a plavecká škola Vsetín, - příspěvková organizace

ALCEDO - středisko volného času a plavecká škola Vsetín nabízí široké spektrum aktivit pro děti, žáky a studenty. Mezi jejich hlavní činnosti patří kroužky, tábory, akce a adaptační programy. Kroužky zahrnují různé oblasti, jako jsou sport, umění, věda a technika, a jsou určeny pro různé věkové kategorie. Letní a příměstské tábory poskytují dětem možnost prožít nezapomenutelné prázdniny plné…

FVK Global a.s.

The company holds a certificate according to ISO 9001: 2009. Design, implementation, delivery, consulting, comprehensive warranty and post-warranty service, optimization, remote administration, independent audit, regular electrical inspections: -roof, photovoltaic power plants. Turnkey roof installation of PV plants for production halls, farm buildings, warehouses, apartment and family houses.…

REC Group s.r.o.

REC Group s.r.o. (or Recycling Ecological Center with its seat in the Old Town near Uherské Hradiště in the Zlín Region. REC Group s.r.o. now they form these companies (KOVOSTEEL Recycling, sro, STEELMET, sro, RPG Recycling, sro, GELPO sro, ASSCO, sro, A-ORTO sro, DZO sro and KOVOZOO Staré Město), which together provide comprehensive solutions for waste management services , ie. their…

MVDr. Jiří Novák

Advice, consultation, training in the field of food hygiene - processing and implementation of the HACCP system in gastronomy and food production - performing internal HACCP audits - development of operating and sanitation regulations in gastronomy - year-round hygiene service in catering establishments - development of operational regulations for accommodation - development of operating…

DESACON Zlín, s.r.o.

We are a design and consulting company operating mainly in the Zlín Region. We prefer a personal approach and take into account the specific requirements of each client. We participate in individual orders with a team of collaborators. Design and supervision of buildings Processing of all stages of project documentation for civil, residential and industrial buildings. Engineering activities…

Ing. Ivan Garaja

Bezpečnost práce - zpracování dokumentace - školení - poradenství Podniková ekologie - poradenství - školení - zpracování dokumentace E-shop - bezpečnostní tabulky a značení - bezpečnostní programy - autolékárničky - hasící přístroje Školení - bezpečnost práce - podniková ekologie

Ing. Veronika Kašparová

Consulting in the field of water management and the environment. Services: - consulting services in the field of water supply and sewerage - consultancy for environmental protection - grant advice - technical supervision and professional assistance in the operation of water management assets - sale of domestic wastewater treatment plants.

Josef Miškařík

Výroba, prodej, montáž - HS portál zdvižné a posuvné dveře - garážová vrata Ekologické likvidace odpadů Ekologické likvidace odpadů Výroba, prodej, montáž - sítě proti hmyzu - žaluzie Výroba, prodej, montáž - plastová a hliníková okna a dveře - parapety Zednické zpracování Prodej, montáž - kování