Technical crops

Cultivation of technical crops in the czech republic includes the development, cultivation and subsequent wholesale of oilseed rape, sunflower, poppy, caraway seeds of technical hemp, lne fibre flax and olejného or also fast-growing tree species or medicinal plants.

Zemědělské družstvo Bystřina se sídlem v Olešence

Agricultural production. Crop production, cultivation: - cereals - seed potatoes, ware, industrial (for starch) - breeding sows, boars (white noble) - sale of pigs - pigs for slaughter and cattle. Sowing, planting, harvesting, harvesting: - corn - potatoes. Service, repair: - tractors - Agriculture machinery.


Živočišná výroba, prodej: -jatečná zvířata, selata. Rostlinná výroba, prodej: -potravinářské obilí, sladovnický ječmen, řepka olejná. Velkoobchod: -zelenina. Služby v rostlinné výrobě: -ochrana plodin -chemické ošetřování plodin-postřiky. Práce těžké mechanizace: -autojeřáb, UNC*, KOMATSU. Služby: -zámečnictví -kovovýroba -výroba technologických celků. Oprava: …

ZOPOS Přestavlky a.s.

Feed production, sausage making, vegetable production. - agricultural production - purchase of goods for the purpose of their further sale and sale - butchery and charcuterie - inn activities - road motor transport - feed production - operation of gas stations with fuels and lubricants - treatment of plants, plant products, objects and soil against - - plant protection products…


FRUMENTA Ltd., Vysoke Myto, wholesale in agricultural commodities. The company has been a significant partner of farmers in the agrarian market in the Czech Republic and abroad since 1997. The company makes a purchase, post-harvest treatment, storage and sale of agricultural plant commodities. The process of purchase is subject to a thorough laboratory inspection when commodities are purchased…


Agricultural production: -animal production of bulls for fattening -plant production: grain dryer, corn -sale of products -production of dryers -work with the use of machine mechanisms (excavation work, digging wells, well). -ground work.

AGROSPOL Bolehošť, a.s.

The company AGROSPOL Bolehošť, a.s. is focused on the production of traditional sauerkraut, which we produce from head cabbage of our own production. Our other activity is animal, plant and milk production. Greenhouse, cultivation, processing, production, sale: - cabbage - Bolehošť sauerkraut - year-round sale (loose, packed in 500 g bags) - filling of cabbages (must be agreed in…

Sušárna a.s. Kratonohy

Drying, storage, feed mixtures and pellets. Our company produces feed mixtures for cattle, pigs, poultry and also fish. Our feeds are created under strict control and are a purely Czech product. We produce them both in loose and granular form. The composition of the feed mixtures is prepared for us by a specialized company, which also supplies the necessary components. We produce tailor…