Cereals, straw, fodder

Agricultural production includes, in addition to the production of oilseeds, corn, sunflower, grapevines, mainly the production of cereals, such as wheat, oats, barley and rye. Important for breeding is high-quality and well-dried straw, and so is the forage, which is the bulk of the plant feed.

ZEMASPOL Uherský Brod a.s

Agricultural production: -animal: -breeding - pigs, hens -production of eggs (eggs) -plant: -grain, sunflower, corn, mustard, soybeans, fodder. Company store, retail: -eggs, eggs -corn -sunflower, millet, mustard -feeding for poultry, rabbits, pigeons, dogs, cats -Pet Supplies. Technical Services Center: -repair, vehicle service. Road transport, transport…

Agrotrial, s.r.o.

Services: -research, breeding, testing and assessment varieties and new breeding of agrochemicals and machines in terms of their suitability for agricultural activity and for their subsequent use -propagation of seeds and seedlings -treatment of plants, soil, plant products against harmful organisms plant protection products. Agricultural production: -plant: …

Sedlář Petr

Zemědělství. Výroba: -zemědělská -rostlinná: -sušení sena -udržování luk (louky, louka) -živočišná: -chov skotu: -ovce, berani. -smíšené hospodářství. Truhlářství, truhlář. Výroba: -truhlářské práce: -obklady -menší nábytek -truhlářství jen okrajově.

DOUBRAVA, spol. s r.o.

The company DOUBRAVA, spol. s r.o. deals with animal production, breeding and fattening of pigs, dairy cattle, crop production and renewable energy production. We breed pigs of the TOPIGS meat breed. From our kennel you can order pigs or piglets of different weights to be fed or slaughtered. We sell pigs weighing up to 120 kg, we will provide a higher weight by prior arrangement. We breed…

ROVINA Agro a.s.

Zemědělství. Výroba: -rostlinná: -obilniny,sláma,píce,luštěniny,řepka, technické plodiny,cukrovka,kukuřice na zrno -ovoce,zelenina,ořechy -živočišná: -hovězí (krávy-dojnice:produkce mléka, pastevní chov skotu) -drůbež. Sídlo: -Hulín,Kroměřížská 134 tel.: 573350154. Středisko rostlinné a živočišné výroby: -Blazice 31 tel.:573388020.

Agrodružstvo ROŠTĚNÍ

Production, wholesale, sales: -Crop production: - malting barley, rapeseed, cumin, sugarcane, corn -animal: -breeding of dairy cows, production of milk and beef Maintenance, repair, service: -agricultural machinery, machines. Production: - bakery, confectionary. Bakery: - delivery to stores - breads, pastries, Christmas cakes, cakes, for oláčka - pastry made from white,…


Agrodružstvo Morkovice belongs to the large agricultural cooperatives and businesses in the region with its farmed area - 5,255.68 ha of agricultural land (of which 4,967 ha is arable land). Thanks to the excellent organization of work together with great production and economic potential, the cooperative is constantly developing dynamically and achieves a total annual output of approx. 300…