
The dummy, a sewing machine, cloth, fabric, or yardage. Without these and many other elements to tailor just cannot do. Shop with the professionals or use professional services in the field of production, sales or repairs garments of all kinds.

Eva Pánková

Designs and complete realization of models, historical, film, theater and fantasy costumes, wedding dresses and accessories. We ensure: - counseling -suggestions -styling of individuals and entire groups (dance, fencing, shooting, fantasy ...) to any periods and social classes. Our priority is for the clothing to match the wearer and his personality, while at the same time meeting…

Věra Kopecká

Retail, sales: - yards, fabrics - textile haberdashery: - soft haberdashery - threads, knitting yarn, wool, patches - hard haberdashery - buttons - sewing supplies. Sewing: - home accessories - pickpockets - children's accessories. Repairs: - textile and leather clothing - handbag and leather products.

Václav Dušek

Servis - užitková vozidla Servis - osobní vozidla Pneuservis Provozování - čerpací stanice s palivy a mazivy Správa a údržba nemovitostí Praní - žehlení Oprava a údržba oděvy, bytový textil Pořádá - odborné kurzy - školení - ostatní vzdělávací akce včetně lektorské činnosti