B & W - DACH & WAND s.r.o.
Pokrývačství. Tesařství. Maloobchod, prodej: - střešní materiál - střešní krytina.
Pokrývačství. Tesařství. Maloobchod, prodej: - střešní materiál - střešní krytina.
Installation, repair and maintenance of dedicated electrical equipment up to 35 kV.
Work: - plumbing - heating - locksmith.
The company RETOS VARNSDORF s.r.o. focuses on the manufacture, sale, repair and service of CNC machines, horizontal boring machines. We supply new and refurbished machines, spare parts, all accessories and accompanying documentation. We focus mainly on the domestic market, Western Europe and Russia, but we also made deliveries to the USA, Canada, Australia and China. Production, sale of new…
Opravy, údržba a rekonstrukce: - bytové fondy (panelové a činžovní domy).
Construction: -water meters - water pipes -sewerage -heating.
Services: - painting - paint shop.
Our services: - reconstruction of housing cores - facade and insulation systems - implementation of wooden stairs - carpentry production. - roof reconstruction - implementation of insulation against water.
Služby: - elektrorevize v objektech kin.
Práce: -nástrojářské -topenářské -zámečnické -instalatérské. Výroba zámků, kování a jiných kovových součástí.
Construction activity: - civil and industrial buildings - machine plastering - Self-leveling floor - finishing construction work.
International road Transport. Customs warehouse. Rental of warehouse space. Repair: - trucks and cars. Assembly, repairs: - additional heating ATESO, WEBASTO, EBERSPRACHER.
Odznaky, znaky, erby.
Buildings: - industrial and residential - utilities - heating and plumbing.
Floor line Sales, consulting, assembly: - floating floors - residential and heavy-duty carpets - classic parquet floors.