
Even today, the craft still indispensable. Upholstery, tailoring, construction craft work, art work, mechanical engineering craft, chimney sweeping, restoration work and other crafts are necessary in everyday life of each person.

OPTIMI spol.s r.o.

Optimi, spol. s.r.o. is the only licensed manufacturer of the frameless glazing system for balconies and loggias in the Czech Republic. The launch of the OPTIMI system on the market in our country met with great interest and popularity among residents, especially of panel apartments and other apartments with a loggia or balcony. Production: - frameless glazing system for balconies and…

MK built by us s.r.o.

Společnost MK built by us s.r.o. se specializuje na poskytování široké škály stavebních a úklidových služeb v Praze a okolí. Nabízí profesionální řešení v oblasti rekonstrukcí, úklidů, oprav a zednických prací. Hlavní služby: Rekonstrukce: Firma provádí kompletní i částečné rekonstrukce bytů, domů a komerčních prostor. Zaměřuje se na kvalitní provedení a dodržování dohodnutých termínů. …

Mykhailo Herbei

Firma Mykhailo Herbei se sídlem v Praze se specializuje na komplexní přípravné a dokončovací stavební práce, specializované stavební činnosti a přípravu staveniště. V rámci nabízené činnosti provádí rekonstrukce bytů a domů, výstavbu rodinných domů na klíč a další stavební práce. Současně nabízí malířské a natěračské práce a zabývá se obkladačskými pracemi a výkopy inženýrských sítí, a to…

Elektroinstalace Oleh Yavir

Firma Elektroinstalace Oleh Yavir se sídlem v Praze je spolehlivým partnerem pro všechny vaše elektroinstalační potřeby. Specializujeme se na široké spektrum služeb v oblasti elektroinstalací, od menších bytů až po rozsáhlé administrativní budovy. Naše práce zahrnuje kompletní elektroinstalační a elektromontážní služby, které provádíme s maximální precizností a profesionalitou. Díky našim…

REKKER stav s.r.o. - omítky, podlahy

Objevte kvalitu a spolehlivost s REKKER stav s.r.o. Hledáte profesionální stavební firmu, která promění vaše sny ve skutečnost? REKKER stav s.r.o., sídlící na adrese Hartigova 2175/251, Praha 3, je tu pro vás. Specializujeme se na široké spektrum stavebních prací, které uspokojí i ty nejnáročnější požadavky. Nabízíme vám: Sádrové omítky: Dokonalá volba pro hladké a rovné stěny, které…


The company MLU STAVBY s.r.o. based in Prague deals with all construction and specialized work. We will arrange everything for you, including preparatory work related to construction activities as well as all finishing work, according to the customer's request. We operate in Prague and throughout the Central Bohemian Region. Our activity: - construction activity - earthworks and excavations …

Střechy Kocián - Jakub Kocián

Our company Střechy Kocán - Jakub Kocián specializes in carpentry and roofing work. We provide construction of new roof structures, repairs of old roof structures, construction of pergolas, terraces, garden pavilions and specific wooden structures. We also install various types of roofing for sloping and flat roofs. Our company was founded after 2000. We have a lot of experience with…


Construction company carrying out all construction activities throughout the Czech Republic. A satisfied customer is the goal of our company. Construction of family houses on a turnkey basis. Wooden buildings. Construction and repair of paved surfaces and roads. We carry out reconstructions, paving, tiling works, then plasterboard works, earthworks and entire buildings.


Complex services in the field of electrical installation, plumbing work and also construction work are provided by the company I&P ELEKTROSTAV s.r.o. We carry out work both in family houses, apartments, and in smaller establishments, offices, industrial and warehouse buildings. In the field of electrical installations, we carry out everything from small electrical repairs to large-scale…

PMN-Výroba nerezového zařízení, s.r.o.

The company PMN-Výroba nerezového zařízení s.r.o. based in Prague is engaged in the production of gastronomic equipment in various categories and stainless steel furniture. We also offer custom production to the customer. At the same time, we also provide installation and service of the equipment we supply with our own certified employees. In addition to repairs and installation of specific…

Ladislav Neubauer - stavební práce

Ladislav Neubauer Company carries out all construction work. We provide reconstruction of apartments, sanitary units, interior modifications, painting, tiling, masonry and demolition work. We are based at Olštýnská 733/3, Prague 8 - Troja. Construction activity, work: - flat reconstruction - masonry work - renovation of bathrooms, sanitary units - interior modifications - painting,…

Pro-Fasmont, s.r.o.

Pro-Fasmont s.r.o. performs high-altitude work using climbing equipment, roof repairs, facade insulation, chimney repairs, window washing, installation of protection against pigeons, plumbing elements, demolition of apartment cores, felling of trees and installation of advertising. Furthermore, various repairs, coatings, cleaning, roof insulation, jointing of facades, etc. The use of climbing…

MINKS-GEO s.r.o.

The company MINKS-GEO s.r.o. offers geodetic and cartographic work, surveying of buildings, deformation monitoring and crane tracks. We offer design of simple landscaping and computer and display work. Processing in ACAD Map, GEUS, GEOMETER, ATLAS - DMT ACAD 14.0, Geowin, ACAD 2000, Microstation. Geodetic office: - geodetic and cartographic works - focus on construction objects - monitoring…

IL stavební, s.r.o.

The company IL stavební, s.r.o. focuses on the supply of machine plasters, floors, tiles. Ralizujeme complete construction work, we offer machine plastering of high-quality stucco plasters, flooring, cast floors and facade insulation. We also provide complete reconstruction of apartments and houses, reconstruction of sanitary units, including tiling work. Construction activity:  - machine…

Blanik Aircraft CZ, s.r.o.

Company Blanik Aircraft CZ, s.r.o. based in Prague, has been designing and manufacturing all-metal gliders since 2014, when it took over the Blaník project - originally produced by Let Kunovice. Now our company is the holder of all TK gliders Blaník. Our company focuses on the design of individual versions of aircraft, implementation of structural changes, as well as testing, maintenance…

INGES spol. s r. o.

The company INGES spol. s r. o. is the exclusive sales and service representative of McCloskey International Ltd mobile crushers, screens and conveyors and, thanks to a wide range of McCloskey products, today provides the widest range in its category. We also supply DAMCO outboard low loaders. Sale, repair, service, bazaar: - machines for crushing and sorting minerals and demolition debris -…