Jaroslav Kamen
Assembly and repairs - blinds - blinds - nets against insects minor assembly work Production - blinds - blinds - mosquito nets Sales and assembly - window sealing Repairs - window sealing Production - window sealing
Assembly and repairs - blinds - blinds - nets against insects minor assembly work Production - blinds - blinds - mosquito nets Sales and assembly - window sealing Repairs - window sealing Production - window sealing
Opening and installation of locks - repairs after burglary - opening apartments
Delivery and installation - solar systems Heating works Cleaning - sewerage Plumbing work
Jaroslav Kloubec provides a wide range of services in the field of construction and technical building management. Our professional offer consists of masonry, plumbing, locksmithing, painting, tiling, thermal insulation and many other activities. We also operate NON-STOP emergency service in the field of water, heating, gas and electrical. The company is located at Za Potokem 46/4, Prague. …
Painting works Electrical work Gas installation work All construction work - reconstruction and turnkey constructions - apartments Masonry work reconstruction - residential cores Cleaning - sewerage Plumbing work
Jaroslav Lipták Podlahy, based in Prague, offers a complete service related to the sale, installation or installation of floor coverings. We also renovate and sand all types of floors, including parquet renovation. We offer only high-quality floors and floor coverings from renowned companies in higher load classes. Sale: - carpets - PVC - vinyl floors - floating and cork floors (wood and…
Work: - painting - painting - painting
We perform all geodetic work: geometric plans (division of land, demarcation of the building and under construction, easements) and demarcation. Furthermore, documents for projects, focusing on the actual condition of buildings and networks for approval, declaration of ownership.
Services: - regular and initial inspections of electrical installations - regular and initial inspections of lightning conductors - electrical inspection of hand tools and appliances with cord supply according to ČSN 331600 and 331610 - corrections of possible defects from revisions - consultations in the design of electrical installations in new buildings, apartments, etc. - renovation of…
We are mainly engaged in turnkey plumbing and heating work, heat measurement, heat billing or assembly and disassembly of water meters.
Sale of apartments and purchase of real estate in Prague.
Land surveying work in the cadastre of real estate, construction and industry. Verification of geometric plans, including delineation of boundaries.
Montáž - vyhrazená elektrická zařízení Revize - elektrické zařízení
Tesařské práce - konstrukce střechmontáž - krovy Klempířské práce Pokrývačské práce - konstrukce střechrekonstrukce - staré střechy Montáž - střešní okna
Výroba - kuchyňské linky - vestavěné skříně - ložnice - komody - kancelářský nábytek - postele - dětské pokoje - šatní skříně - jídelní stoly Výroba - kuchyňské linky Výroba - kancelářský nábytek Výroba - nábytek na zakázku - vestavěné skříně - ložnice - komody - postele - dětské pokoje - šatní skříně -…
Our company Vladimír Miks provides you with a full service in the field of geodetic and cartographic work. We offer you our rich experience, which results from long-term cooperation both with state administration authorities and, for example, with large development companies, such as Skanska CZ a.s. and Metrostav a.s. Our customers also include smaller construction companies, real estate and…
Umělecké sklenářské práce - pískování skla Pískování sklavýroba - ornamentální sklo - fusing lehání a stavování barevných skel - dekorativní předměty individuální výroba - mísy - svítidla Fotografické práce (fotografie architektury, interiérů a skla, ...)
Design of gas pipelines, water supply and sewerage networks. We also design gas sampling equipment. We provide surveying.
Technical consultation and advice - diffuse open structures of wooden buildings - construction of new buildings based on wood, wood construction - attic construction - reconstruction and modernization of wood-based buildings - wood construction production technology and its optimization - faults and malfunctions of wood-based constructions Sale of ecological building…
Activity: - plumbing, heating and gas works
We offer and provide all plumbing services. We are a company with a long tradition and experience.
Geodetická kancelář - zeměmeřické práce - geometrické plány
Insulation of family houses Plasterboard work Construction company construction - turnkey family houses and reconstructions - attic installations Masonry work