
Even today, the craft still indispensable. Upholstery, tailoring, construction craft work, art work, mechanical engineering craft, chimney sweeping, restoration work and other crafts are necessary in everyday life of each person.

Pavel Čížek

Zámečnická výroba - balkonové, ozdobné, dveřní a okenní mříže Zámečnická výroba - ploty - zábradlí Obrábění kovů - soustružení - frézování Výroba - balkonové, ozdobné, dveřní a okenní mříže - ploty - zábradlí - záměčnictví

Josef Jarolímek

Construction - camera systems installation and service - attendance systems Construction - cameras Repairs - cameras Assembly and repairs - telephone installation, service and maintenance - low-current technology revision - EPS - EMS Repairs and assembly - telephones Assembly, repairs - computer network management - IT

Stavitelství Pecka s.r.o.

Construction company Stavitelství Pecka s.r.o. carries out comprehensive reconstruction of houses and apartments not only in Prague and its surroundings, but also within the entire Central Bohemian Region. We provide construction of new houses, repairing apartment buildings, facades and non-residential premises. Construction work, construction: - new buildings, construction of houses, turnkey…