
Even today, the craft still indispensable. Upholstery, tailoring, construction craft work, art work, mechanical engineering craft, chimney sweeping, restoration work and other crafts are necessary in everyday life of each person.

VATOP - Valeš Ivo

Teplofikace do 4 MPA. Vodoinstalace: -rozvody -klasické -plastové. Rozvody stlačeného vzduchu. Tlaková zařízení: -revize -servis. Zámečnické práce. Pobočka: -Sokolov, Křížová 118 telefon 352601271.

Pavel Matiska

Tiling works. Flat reconstruction. Reconstruction of bathrooms. Construction and reconstruction of family houses. Building insulation. Plasters, facades. Isolation. All masonry work.