Sales, assembly: - antenna and satellite technology - security devices and camera systems
Construction activity, services: - family houses - bathrooms - electrical installation - plumbing, heating
Intuitive Astrology - astro games. Courses - REIKI - the school of intuition - intuitive astrology seminar - family constellations.
Prodej - bižuterie Prodej - klenoty - hodinky
Elektroinstalační práce Topenářské práce Izolační a zateplovací práce Obkladačské a podlahářské práce Zednické práce Klempířské práce Zámečnické práce Rekonstrukce - koupelny Vodoinstalatérské práce
Construction activity, services: - family houses - reconstruction - renovation of bathrooms - plumbing and roofing work - tiling, paving
Locksmith work. Services: -opening door locks, cars, safes
Prodej - šperky - zlaté, stříbrné, jantarové, tyrkysové a granátové - snubní a zásnubní prsteny - perly - korále - hodinky
Work: - plasterboard works. -installation of coffered ceilings. Beekeeping, queen breeding.
Work: - heating - plumbing - gas company
Work: - tiling - masonry
Earthwork - foundation excavations - pool excavations - excavations of utility networks - ground leveling - loading and removal of soil.
Carpentry work - roof construction - turnkey roofs - winter gardens - pergolas.
Services: - reconstruction - renovation of bathrooms - masonry work - stone paving and tiling - plasterboard works