Jan Šmíd
Plumbing work. We perform insulation: - foundations of buildings - cellars -terrace -balconies -flat roofs. Material manufacturers: - Sis -Father -Alcor.
Plumbing work. We perform insulation: - foundations of buildings - cellars -terrace -balconies -flat roofs. Material manufacturers: - Sis -Father -Alcor.
Production: -Junting work -carpping work -complete roof and attic systems -plasterboard -Roofing and plumbing work.
Earthwork. - terrain preparation -planting gardens - disposal of greenery etc.
Práce: -vodoinstalatérské, obkladačské, zednické a topenářské práce.
Services: -computer technology service -weak current el. installation -revision el. appliances -expert opinions, electronics, IT, -photographic and video reports -creation of websites and applications -guided wine tasting
Geodetic office. Services: -demarcation of land -geometric plans -sighting of engineering networks -personal mapping -work in construction.
Výroba: -výstavba rodinných domů, plotů a bazénů -sádrokartonářské práce -rekonstrukce bytových jader -zateplování fasád.
We deal with the implementation of roofs, not only their construction, but also plating with plumbing elements and the actual laying of roofing. It is no problem for us to install roof windows and make attic rooms out of plasterboard or other material. We will repair or build a new chimney. We install fired roofing, concrete, sheet metal, shingles and other materials. We use galvanized, copper,…
Plumbing. Services: -all plumbing and heating work -reconstruction and repair of water installations, heating, sewerage -exchange of fixtures -assembly and repair of domestic waterworks and pumps -minor repairs in households
Repairs: -consumer electronics -assembly of satellite and terrestrial receivers -electrical work
Stonemasonry. Production: -reconstruction of monuments -grinding of old frames -cutting and restoration of tombstone -production of new monuments and frames.
Výroba: -zhotovení a renovace pomníků -rámy, písma a krycí desky z přírodního kamene.
We carry out all construction work: - tiling, paving, facade, carpentry, plumbing, roofing work, insulation of flat roofs, family house, house, plasterboard and other work.
Production: - plumbing work - roofing work - finishing work, including installation of skylights.
Production: -plumbing -Roofing -carpentry.
Production: -tiling work -bathing of bathrooms, kitchens -paving on terraces, balconies and other outdoor premises -staircase cladding - straight and spiral facade cladding.
Pavel Čupr focuses on plumbing and roofing work, assembly, reconstruction and repair of roofs and skylights.
Služby: -opravy oděvů, tašek a stanů. Maloobchod: -textilní galanterie -bižuterie -ponožky, klobouky.
Services: -sewing of women's clothing to measure -repairs of clothes -exchanges of zippers -shortening of trousers, skirts, dresses and clothing.
Services: - sewing clothes -modifications, clothing repairs.