Building skilled handiwork

Plumbing, heating, stucco, carpentry, roofers but also the plumbing belongs to a group of construction craft work, which can be used both in the construction of a new house, so during the reconstruction of the existing one.

Ing. Pavel Gálík - GMP

Construction company GM - construction work. Construction, construction, implementation: -complex construction work, masonry work - turnkey buildings: - civil, residential - family houses - industrial buildings - plumbing -maintenance work on construction sites -demolition - insulation, insulation of buildings, internal and external facades - multi-purpose playgrounds,…

Moravská stolárna s.r.o.

Návrhy, realizace, rekonstrukce: -kompletní interiéry na klíč: -kancelářský nábytek -nábytek pro hotely, restaurace -bytový nábytek -vestavěné skříně -bytová jádra. Montáže, instalace: -sádrokartonové příčky, sádrokartony.

mmcité 1 a.s.

Mmcité 1 a.s. from the Uherské Hradiště region, it designs, manufactures and supplies urban furniture such as park benches, waste bins, bus shelters or bicycle stands. It mainly operates in Zlín, Prague. We value our cities and so we make them more beautiful Designs, supplies, production, metal production: - stop shelters and roofing - sheds and bicycle stands - shelters for smokers …

Sandtner s.r.o.

Revision, service: - gas boilers - water heaters. Assembly: - gas equipment, boilers. Work: -electrical, electrical installations. Revision, correction: -electric devices including lightning conductors -electric appliances (appliances) -electric hand tools -electric equipment of working machines.

STAVBY K4, s.r.o.

Stavební firma. Zpracování, dodávka projektové dokumentace, projekce. Stavba, výstavba, rekonstrukce: -rodinné domy -průmyslové objekty -úprava bytových jader. Práce: -komplexní stavební -výměna oken -zateplování fasád -obkladačské, obklady koupelen a pokládka zámkové dlažby. Poradenství.

Petr Rapant

Construction company RAPANT Construction, construction, reconstruction, demolition, removal: - family houses and houses, family houses and houses - industrial structures and buildings. Complex construction work: - rough constructions -reconstruction, rebuilding: - housing cores, housing cores -attic -bathrooms, bathrooms -installation of plasterboards, plasterboards,…

Daniel Bečica - REDIMONT

Stavební firma. Stavba, výstavba, rekonstrukce: -na klíč, komplexní stavební práce -bytová jádra -nástavby, půdní vestavby. Práce: -stavební projekce, projekční -demolice -zemní a výkopové práce. Autodoprava, doprava, přeprava: -Avia s hydraulickou rukou.