Building skilled handiwork

Plumbing, heating, stucco, carpentry, roofers but also the plumbing belongs to a group of construction craft work, which can be used both in the construction of a new house, so during the reconstruction of the existing one.

SWE Technologies a.s.

The main activity of SWE Technologies a.s. is the installation and repair of gas equipment, gas pipelines and other piping systems. We also offer installation of control stations or water treatment plants. We have many years of experience in this industry and we execute orders not only throughout the Czech Republic, but also abroad. We provide reliable and professional assembly including a…

Tomáš Funda

Zakázková výroba, prodej, dodávka, montáž - pergoly - zahradní domky - altány - venkovní terasy - příštřešky Truhlářské práce Zakázková výroba, prodej, dodávka, montáž - kuchyňský nábytek - kuchyňské linky Prodej, dodávka, montáž - kancelářský nábytek (stoly, skříně, police, ...) Zakázková výroba - kancelářský nábytek (stoly, skříně, police, ...) …

Tomáš Strapina

Plynařské služby ve spolupráci s firmou PROGRESS Topenářské práce Prodej - topenářský materiál Prodej a servis - centrální vysavače ELECTROLUX Projektová dokumentace - realizace staveb Výkopové práce za použití stroje KOMATSU Kanalizace Servis - kanalizace Prodej - vodoinstalační materiál Vodoinstalační práce

Vágner stavby s.r.o.

The company Vágner stavby s.r.o. offers masonry work, plastering and insulation. Masonry work: - reconstruction of housing units, apartments - reconstruction of old buildings - paving tiles - demolition work - breeding plaster. Plastering: - suspended ceilings - roof windows - attic accesses - coffered ceilings - reconstruction of attic spaces. Warming up: - insulation of…

GEO Plzeň s.r.o.

Geodetic office GEO Plzeň s.r.o. provides comprehensive services in the field of geodesy. We carry out geodetic surveying of the land, geodetic surveying of the route and processing of the documentation of utility network connections, geodetic surveying of the building, setting out the corners of the building for the foundation of the building and other services.

SB Pro s.r.o.

Activity: - pipe systems and distribution systems - plumbing and wiring - electrical installation services - low-current and data installations and distributions - compressed air technology and distribution - air conditioning technology and distribution - extraction of exhaust fumes - filtration and filter units - sale and installation of air conditioning units…