Building skilled handiwork

Plumbing, heating, stucco, carpentry, roofers but also the plumbing belongs to a group of construction craft work, which can be used both in the construction of a new house, so during the reconstruction of the existing one.

Martin Zapletal

Sales, assembly and service: - electronic security, camera, access and attendance systems Construction - distribution lines, structured networks Sales and assembly - telecommunications technology - branch telephone exchanges of all capacities supply - telephone devices - faxes - recorders - mid-range to high-end digital devices and systems - home phones and videophones Service -…

Michal Ferianček

Montáž - kamerové systémy - zabezpečovací systémy elektronické Montáž - antény - satelitní a televizní technika Servis - satelitní a televizní technika Elektroinstalační práce

Lukáš Neumann

Výroba - brány Výroba - hliníkové skleníky Nerezová výroba - gastronomické vybavení (stoly, dřezy, police, ...) Nerezová výroba - schodiště - zábradlívýroba - ploty Svařování šedé litiny Kovářské práce Nerezová výroba - nádrže pro chemický průmysl

Lumír Matyáš

Assembly, reconstruction, revision and gasification: - boiler room assembly - residential and industrial gas pipeline audits - pressure vessels Construction: - equithermal regulation Gas installation work Construction: - solar heating equipment - heat pumps Heating works Construction: - floor heating Masonry work Realization: - sewer lines Plumbing work

Luboš Žádník

The company of Mr. Luboš Žádník deals with the complete installation of water, heating and gas distribution. Our services therefore include the implementation of heating distribution, bathroom reconstruction, installation of waste and sewerage, distribution of drinking and utility water, implementation of domestic gas pipelines and gas connections and many other activities. We are located in the…