Milan Dubovský
Cargo and personal towing service. Car towing. Crane work.
Cargo and personal towing service. Car towing. Crane work.
Montáž: - plastová, hliniková okna a dveře - žaluzie - parapety - garážová vrata. Práce: - rekonstrukce bytových jader - zednické - obkladačské.
Construction: - security systems. Electrical installation. Security device.
Služby: - instalace a opravy elektro - zakázkové zámečnictví.
Služby, práce, projekce, rekonstrukce, dodávka, montáž: - výstavba rodinných domů - kompletní řešení topení - tepelná čerpadla - obkladačské práce. Prodej: - krby, kamna - krbové vložky.
Execution of earthworks. Installation of metallic and optical networks. Installation of public lighting.
Stavební firma: - stavba, rekonstrukce domů, bytů - zemní a výkopové práce - bourací a zednické práce - podlahářské práce - zateplení budov.
Joinery, joinery: - custom production - office equipment - furniture production. Free quote.
Production, sales, service, assembly: - the door - entrance gates - front window blinds. Metalwork: - from a maintenance-free aluminum system - with hot-dip zinc surface treatment.
Design and execution of works in the field of: - water and sewage - heating. Construction: - gas boilers - cogeneration units - heat pumps - electric boilers.
Work: - water, water, gas - reconstruction of wiring in prefabricated and family houses - complex services.
Flooring Renovation of parquet floors.
The company Vladimír Michalec will provide you with comprehensive services in trucking. We provide transportation of goods and shipments, transportation of oversized shipments and heavy loads, as well as transportation of bulk materials. The seat of the company can be found at Křelov - Břuchotín, Sadová 278/23, district Olomouc. Services: - transport, road transport, transportation -…
The company VALTR, general construction contractor, s.r.o. It provides complete construction of residential, commercial and industrial properties on a turnkey basis as well as its own development projects. Construction, construction: - family houses - residential houses - industrial objects - commercial objects. Engineering activity: - preparation of project documentation -…
Sadbové brambory. Autodoprava nákladních vozidel do 3, 5t. Práce vodo-topo-plyn. Kanalizace.
Chimney sweep: - chimney work and revisions - lining of chimneys for solid and gaseous fuels - connection of fireplaces and fireplace inserts - masonry, plumbing work - construction of chimneys - installation of facade multilayer chimneys.
Company Hájek - Kozlanský HAK s.r.o. with headquarters in Zábřeh offers complete heating, gas and water installation work, including thermal insulation of pipes. We operate primarily in the Olomouc Region in the vicinity of Zábřeh, Šumperk, Mohelnice, Moravská Třebová or Štít. Part of our activity is also the installation of stainless steel pipelines, as well as the operation and management of…
Kompletní dodávka staveb. Rodinné domy na klíč. Rekonstrukce. Půdní vestavby - sádrokartony. Zateplování staveb.
Projection, production, leverage: - construction, engineering - carpentry and modeling work - furniture production - locksmith and welding works -stainless steel production -water, heating, gas
Flooring, flooring: - leveling the floors -carpets for residential and heavy use -floating laminate and wooden floors.
SV-STAV MORAVA s.r.o. Olomouc Stavební činnost: -stavby rodinných domků na klíč -stavby průmyslové -rekonstrukce všech stavebních objektů -půdní vestavby -starší domy. Zajišťujeme práce PSV: -obklady -dlažby -elektro -rozvody vody -ústřední topení. Firma je držitelem certifikátu ISO 9001:2001