Building skilled handiwork

Plumbing, heating, stucco, carpentry, roofers but also the plumbing belongs to a group of construction craft work, which can be used both in the construction of a new house, so during the reconstruction of the existing one.

Ing. Václav Hynek

Construction and trading company. Works, constructions: - masonry work - earthworks and landscaping - plastering work - repairs and addition of sandstone elements with artificial stone - roofing work - locksmith work - liquid insulation of buildings against soil moisture - toys, kits of folk architecture (made of wood). The quality management system applied by the company is…

ESPO Týniště s.r.o.

Dodávka a montáž: - bytové vodoměry - termostatické ventily - měřiče tepla na radiátory - dodávka staveb na klíč - servisní činnost - plynofikace kotelen. Prodej materiálu: - vodoinstalační voda (vodoinstalatér) - topenářský instalační topení. Prodej pro: - velkoobchod - maloobchod. Prodej: - kotle, kotelny - energeticky úsporných zařízení ve vlastní prodejně. …

Ing. Milan Bittner

Interior equipment. Consulting, sales, installation, installation, professional treatment flooring: -floating floors-laminate, wood, cork -carpet-loop, cut, needled, piece, cleaning zones -cork-floor, facing -PVC and natural linoleum-strips, tiles -profile rails-transition, end, stair, special -adhesives, fixings, self-leveling and screed floor matter -paints and oils…