Zemní práce a autodoprava Palán s.r.o.
The company Zemní práce a autodoprava Palán s.r.o. provides: - construction work for family houses - landscaping of land - container transport - land reclamation - car transport services
The company Zemní práce a autodoprava Palán s.r.o. provides: - construction work for family houses - landscaping of land - container transport - land reclamation - car transport services
The company 86 design s.r.o. specializes in carpentry production: - kitchen counters, - dressing rooms, - built-in wardrobes, - living rooms, - commercial premises, - Office Equipment, - children's rooms, - bathrooms.
The company eGspol s.r.o. operates apartments Korzo Lipno: - studio, family, duplex, exclusive They also provide earthworks with a JCB 4CX machine and produce firefighting modules.
The company Filip Vondra elektro a plynosulzby s.r.o. provides service, inspections and repairs of gas boilers, electric boilers and heaters. Regular maintenance and cleaning. Authorized service of gas boilers of the brands Intergas, Protherm, Buderus (up to 50 kW and above 50 kW), Junkers - Bosch (up to 50 kW and above 50 kW), Viadrus, Vaillant, Viessmann Dakon, Gasex, Destila gas boiler…
Engineering geological surveys for the foundation of buildings, hydrogeological surveys, consulting activities for mineral deposits, pedological assessments and land removal from ZPF.
High-current and low-current installations, energy, lighting, smart installations, photovoltaics, electromobility, industrial installations, automation, electrical equipment projection, energy studies, TZB.
Plumber, insulator: -building plumbing and roofing work -assembly (also with insulation) -roofs, eaves, skylights, balconies, loggias, terraces -material-copper, titanium-zinc, aluminum, galvanized.
Earth and excavation work (mini excavator and mini dump truck).
Plumbing and heating works.
Hodinový manžel.
The company provides the supply of cast floors. We implement anhydride floors, concrete screed and foam.
Bulka s.r.o. focuses on plumbing work, building insulation, window washing, tree felling and other height work.
Josef Reiter focuses on the carpentry production of furniture, kitchens, stairs, doors and frames.
Martin Maňásek focuses on electrical installation work, repairs and servicing of gas and electric boilers.
Jiří Brychta ensures the complete implementation of floors.
Grecwood Joinery focuses on carpentry and carpentry production: - tables - bench - gazebos, pergolas, garden furniture - renovation of old furniture - interior designs
The company SimpleJack focuses on non-binding calculations, advice and implementation of various types of floors for garages and workshops. It is also possible to choose roofing and mats in a rich assortment.
Hahn a syn s.r.o. provozuje autoservis, pneuservis a zaměřuje se také na stavební práce a prodej a pronájem stavebních strojů.
Ručně vyráběné dřevěné podlahy.
Firma vyrábí vjezdové a vstupní brány. Zakázková výroba nerezových zábradlí a doplňků, schodišť, zařízení pro zemědělce a vinaře. Drobné soustružnické a zámečnické práce.
LMGAS s.r.o. se zaměřuje na realizace, údržbu a správu rozvodů technických, topných a medicinálních plynů.
Petr Báča se zaměřuje na truhlářskou výrobu, výrobu zahradního nábytku, kuchyní, skříní a dalšího vybavení.
Ing. Bc. Tomáš Karhan se zaměřuje na průmyslové elektromontáže, informační technologie a správu sítí.
ZATOMI Pv s.r.o. se zaměřuje na zateplování, nátěry a čištění fasád, klempířské a tesařské práce, opravy omítek a zídek.