Building skilled handiwork

Plumbing, heating, stucco, carpentry, roofers but also the plumbing belongs to a group of construction craft work, which can be used both in the construction of a new house, so during the reconstruction of the existing one.

Ing. Aleksandr Kalashyan - stavební práce

Construction work, reconstruction of interiors and exteriors. Complex construction work, reconstruction and also earthworks are performed within the scope of his business activities by Mr. Ing. Alexander Kalashyan. Our services focus on turnkey constructions, interior and exterior renovations as well as earthworks. Are you looking for a quality and reliable construction company? So do…

Jiří Štodt - instalatérské práce

The company Jiří Štodt, based in the city of Brno, deals with all plumbing, gas and heating works. As part of our activity, we also offer servicing of refrigeration equipment and catering equipment, rough preparation of wiring and installation of all components, as well as assembly of furnishings. At the same time, you can contact us with a request for the implementation of air conditioners…

POZKOM, s.r.o. - Opravy a rekonstrukce komunikací Praha

We are a Prague company that carries out asphalt laying, reconstruction and maintenance of roads. Our main focus is the repair and reconstruction of roads and earthwork associated with it. We provide individual approach to your project, non-binding offer within 24h. We realize orders from 10 000, - CZK and start of work within 1 week of order. Services: Repair and reconstruction of roads:…


Construction company Sanace Vape s.r.o. implements turnkey civil, residential and industrial buildings. Performs architectural designs for construction and develops a project incl. processing of building permits. The actual implementation of the construction is carried out, including moving. During the implementation of the work, we are always in contact with the investor and we always try to…

Renastav, s.r.o.

Renastav s.r.o. based in Prague, has been engaged in all construction activities for almost 20 years. We deal with both construction and reconstruction for the private and public sectors. We provide comprehensive turnkey deliveries and work from design and projection to building approval. We guarantee high quality, a professional and perfect level of work performed and an above-standard guarantee…

J. Škop a spol., s.r.o.

J. Škop et al., S.r.o. operates on our market since 1991 and provides comprehensive plumbing, carpentry and roofing. We also focus on insulation, metalwork, small masonry work and supply of air conditioning. We also run a shop of roofing materials and materials. You can find us at Kramare 1938, Dvur Kralove nad Labem. Work, craft, services: - tinsmith, tinsmith - roofer, roofer - carpenter,…

Jiří Prokop - Instalatérství

Plumbing Jiří Prokop carries out complete plumbing and heating work. We offer delivery and installation of water, sewer, gas and heating. We also focus on bathroom renovation and we will provide you with minor construction work, including the reconstruction of houses or flats. We realize distribution of plastic, copper, steel, pex and alpex pipes, we also install heat pumps, air conditioning,…

Jiří Piňos

Jiří Piňos based in Třemošná is engaged in the implementation of industrial floors, facades, plasters, insulation and construction work. We provide: - concrete screeds, reinforced concrete, anhydrite floors,   industrial concrete floors, cast floors, epoxy   floors, antistatic trowels, floors for family houses,   garages, warehouses, cellars, halls and industrial buildings - machine…

Klempířství Jindrák

Klempířství Radek Jindrák offers complete roofing, plumbing and carpentry work, implementation of new roofs and reconstruction of older roofs. Our other services include work with an assembly platform with a range of 18 and 30 meters. We carry out orders in Jablonec, Liberec, but also in the whole of Eastern Bohemia. Work performed by us: - plumbing - roofing - carpentry related to the…

Josef Kuneš

The company Josef Kuneš deals mainly with core drilling and drilling in concrete or reinforced concrete. Through these techniques it is possible to make penetrations for sewerage, heating, water, test wells, but also penetrations through the ceiling, brick or reinforced concrete wall. For this work we use high quality and modern technology. Our other services include sewage and waste cleaning.…

N.K. STAV Brno a.s.

Construction company. Work: - ordinary construction work, masonry, crafts - Construction work - insulation systems including cladding, plinths and gutters sidewalks, facade insulation - tiling - tiling, paving. Construction, construction: - family houses, houses. The company is included in the list of certified construction companies for the insulation of buildings within the…

Martin Černý

Firma Martin Černý se sídlem v Doubravčicích v okrese Kolín nabízí kompletní realizaci stavebních prací se zaměřením na realizace střech a tesařských prací. V rámci své činnosti provádí je odborným poskytovatelem stavebních služeb zaměřených na střechy a tesařské práce. V rámci svých činnosti nabízí kompletní realizace střech na klíč, včetně střešních krytin, oprav krovů, výměnu latí a trámů,…

MJvodotopo s.r.o.

Pokud hledáte spolehlivou a kvalitní firmu, která se postará o vaše rozvody vody, topení, plynu a kanalizace, pak je MJvodotopo s.r.o. tou pravou volbou. MJvodotopo s.r.o. je zkušená a profesionální firma, která nabízí širokou škálu služeb v oblasti instalatérství a topenářství. Ať už potřebujete generální opravu, rekonstrukci, montáž nebo čištění vašich rozvodů, zajistíme vám rychlé a…

Aleš Jiřík - elektroinstalační práce

The Aleš Jiřík company, based in Bohuslavice in the Opava district, deals with complex electrical installation and electrical installation work not only in the Moravian-Silesian region (Opava, Ostrava), but also in the entire territory of the Czech Republic. In addition to electrical assembly and electrical installation work, our main activity is also smart installation and the design and…

Artes Milan Žák

The Artes company has been successfully operating in the village of Sedliště since 1998. From the very beginning, we have been building on precise, honest work right around Frýdek-Místek and in many other villages in the Beskydy foothills and the wider area. we would not order ourselves, and on the contrary we strive to leave behind quality results with a long service life. It doesn't matter if…

Zemní práce Staněk s.r.o.

In the company Zemní práce Staněk s.r.o. we can offer our clients the best in the field of earthworks and excavation, demolition or waste disposal, and we always try to ensure that they receive quality, tailored services from us. Work: - ground and excavation - demolition - removal and disposal of waste. Because we have many years of experience in our field, we can offer every client…

Petr Poledna - malíř, natěrač

Pokud hledáte profesionálního malíře a natěrače, který vám zkrášlí váš domov nebo kancelář, obraťte se na firmu Petr Poledna z Kopřivnice. Tato firma má dlouholeté zkušenosti s malováním interiérů i exteriérů, opravami prasklin, drobnými zednickými pracemi a dalšími službami souvisejícími s úpravou stěn a zdí. Firma Petr Poledna používá pouze kvalitní a ekologické materiály, nabízí širokou…

Bohumil Horvát

Bohumil Horvát se sídlem v Chrudimi je spolehlivá a kvalitní firma, která nabízí širokou škálu služeb v oblasti stavebnictví. Ať už potřebujete položit zámkovou dlažbu, postavit základovou desku, provést zednické práce, zbourat starou stavbu nebo vykopat základ, můžete se obrátit na tuto firmu s dlouholetou tradicí a zkušenostmi. Zajistí vám profesionální a rychlé provedení vaší zakázky za…