STADOK, spol. s r.o.
Elektroinstalace Solární technika Stavební práce
Elektroinstalace Solární technika Stavební práce
-výstavba rodinných domů na klíč -zateplování budov -rekonstrukce bytů a bytových jader -dlažby, obklady, sádrokartony -pronájem lešení -autodoprava -zemní práce -půjčovna stavebních strojů -kontejnerová přeprava
-electrical installation, installation and repair of electrical installations - electrical installation and reconstruction -revision, applications, preparation for electricity meters -installation and revision of lightning rods, complete grounding -electrical revision, revision reports, applications, handover protocols - 120/220/380 V voltage conversion -installation of low-current and low…
Furniture - interiors Production and sale: Children's furniture, home furniture, boarding houses, restaurants, hotels, bars, receptions, cash registers, car showrooms, healthcare. assembly and turnkey deliveries - furniture, seating furniture, but also accessories such as blinds, carpets, etc. contact: Ing. Hana Ledvinová
Delivery, assembly, service: - plastic windows and doors from the Salamander profile - aluminum windows and doors - accessories: - blinds, blinds - mosquito nets - garage door. Construction work: - facades - insulation, insulation of family houses.
Work: - heating works, repairs - heating distribution - gas works, gas installation, gas inspection - plumbing, plumbing work, water distribution repairs - minor construction work Realization of bathrooms: - tiling and tiling for the bathroom. Services. - control of flue gas paths.
Manual and mechanical earth and excavation work. We will come for free, assess the situation, propose an optimal solution and immediately make a price offer with the lowest possible price.
The company Inexit, s.r.o. offers high-rise, assembly and construction work. We carry out work at height using climbing equipment, an assembly platform or special procedures. For more than 20 years of working in the field, we have a lot of experience, which we are happy to share when analyzing your demand and propose the optimal technical and financial solution according to your…
surveyor, geometric plans, demarcation of land, buildings, surveying of map materials
Zednictví - zateplování - rekonstrukce - obklady a dlažby - omítky - hrubé stavby.
Vyhledávání vodního pramene Vrtání nových studní Vyhloubení šachty a přípojky Osazení skruží a potrubí Prohlubování stávajících studní Dodávky čerpadel, vodáren včetně montáže Sídlo: Mezi Mosty 1793
zámečnictví, nástrojářství, kovoobráběčství kontakt: Ing. Vladimír Böhm, Libor Kulda, Karel Zetka
Činnost: - polystyrenbenton - pěnobeton - anhydritové podlahy - betonové potěry
Construction activity: - transportation construction - water management structures - projecting - earthworks - truck transport - demolition and recycling - tire service
It provides complete solutions for roofs from small family houses to demanding repairs and implementation of new roofs. - roofing work - tinsmithing - carpentry - insulation of flat roofs
V.K.P. Pardubice - žáruvzdorné vyzdívky
-locksmithery - truck transport - repair and maintenance of trucks and cars
We carry out activities ranging from small electrical repairs to large-scale installations or revisions. The work is carried out by experienced and careful workers with many years of experience. Electrical installation. Emergency service.
Revize elektroinstalace, hromosvodu, spotřebičů, nářadí. Energetické poradenství v oblastech: změny dodavatele elektřiny a plynu, výběru správné distribuční sazby, optimalizace jističe před elektroměrem, úsporných opatření, legislativy v oblasti energetiky. Dohled nad realizací (dodávkou) elektrické instalace. Projekty, montáže, revize a opravy elektrické instalace a ochrany před bleskem.…
Stavební činnost. Rekonstrukce budov. Zemní práce. Doprava.
We are a company that implements low-energy prefabricated houses, or wooden constructions on a turnkey basis. We offer economic construction, consulting, projects, financing, etc. We also provide quality roof assembly, new roofs and reconstruction - carpentry, plumbing, roofing.
Activity: - construction of family houses - reconstruction of houses and apartments, attic additions - classic, insulating facades - tiling, paving, plasterboard - laying interlocking paving, construction of fences
rekonstrukce, kuchyně, demolice, přípravné a dokončovací stavební práce