
Even today, the craft still indispensable. Upholstery, tailoring, construction craft work, art work, mechanical engineering craft, chimney sweeping, restoration work and other crafts are necessary in everyday life of each person.

Pavel Kaňok

Výroba, montáž a servis - vrata - posuvné brány Výroba, montáž a servis - zábradlí - schodiště - ploty Výroba a montáž - kovové konstrukce Povrchové úpravy nátěrem a stříkáním - žárové a galvanické zinkování Zámečnické práce

Pavel Kiršner

The construction company Pavel Kiršner provides a wide range of construction work. Our main activity is new construction and reconstruction of houses, reconstruction of housing cores, extensions, construction of garages and attic additions. Furthermore, our work includes cellars, houses for gas and electrical lines, garden terraces, sidewalks, ornamental walls, fences, facades, interlocking…

Pavel Korda - Stazap

The company STAZAP Pavel Korda deals with the implementation of industrial and civil engineering. Our construction company performs construction and reconstruction of buildings, demolition, we supply and install WWTPs. Construction activity: - earthworks - demolition - foundation of buildings - construction of industrial buildings, halls - complex building reconstruction - construction…