
Even today, the craft still indispensable. Upholstery, tailoring, construction craft work, art work, mechanical engineering craft, chimney sweeping, restoration work and other crafts are necessary in everyday life of each person.

Miroslav Keller

Plynoinstalační prácerevize - plyn Topenářské práce Interiery pro domácnost a bytové domy Ploty Výstavba - inženýrské stavby Terénní úpravy Montáž - plovoucí podlahydlažby Výstavba - pozemní stavby - rodinné domy - garáže - chaty Instalatérské práce v budovách - vodoinstalační práce

Miroslav Konetzny

Production and sale: - granite tombstones, urns - grave accessories bowls, candle holders, vases, lamps artificial sandstone sculptures - window sills, grave repairs, concrete foundations. Production, sale: - window sills - granite stairs.

Miroslav Kovářík

Delivery - electrical installation Revision - installation of the electrical installation - repairs - reconstruction - testing from decree 50/78Sv up to 1000V including lightning conductors - drawing up protocols on the determination of external audit influences - electrical devices up to 1000V - electrical appliances and hand tools - working machines and…

Miroslav Křepelka

Our company VTP Jakubčovice - Miroslav Křepelka based in the district of Nový Jičín performs all installations of water distribution, central heating, underfloor heating, solar systems, indoor and outdoor sewerage, sewer cleaning and inspection, boiler service, inspections, industrial boiler rooms, etc. We also deal with reconstruction bathrooms and apartment cores. Our activity: Focus and…