
Even today, the craft still indispensable. Upholstery, tailoring, construction craft work, art work, mechanical engineering craft, chimney sweeping, restoration work and other crafts are necessary in everyday life of each person.

Jiří Sekava

Carpentry work Production - furniture tables, chairs, chests of drawers Production - garden furniture (tables, chairs, benches, ...) Production - fences - stairs - railings

Jiří Selinger

Our company based in Kadan offers its clients comprehensive heating and plumbing services. Heating works include all types of heating and boiler rooms (steel, copper, plastic, stainless steel) and the construction of heat exchanger stations according to the supplied project. We offer all installation and reconstruction of domestic DHW and NE distribution and replacement of risers, sewers and…

Topení Sirotek

Topení Sirotek je zavedená montážní firma, která je na trhu již 30 let . Specializujeme se na montáže automatických kotlů, kotlů na tuhá paliva ( uhlí, dřevo, pelety ), plynových kotlů. Zabýváme se realizací kompletních rozvodů a instalací topení v rodinných a bytových domech (radiátory, podlahové topení).