
Even today, the craft still indispensable. Upholstery, tailoring, construction craft work, art work, mechanical engineering craft, chimney sweeping, restoration work and other crafts are necessary in everyday life of each person.

Helpdesk s.r.o.

Work at height - risky felling and pruning of trees, repairs and cleaning of gutters and other plumbing work, painting, removal of snow and ice from roofs, window washing, installation of bird barriers, installation of data converters, camera system and other work at heights.

Totůšek Vladislav

Provádím dezinfekce vnitřního vodovodního potrubí v rodinných domcích, školách, veřejných budovách, atp., včetně vystavení protokolu o dezinfekci a zajištění odběru vzorku vody a následného rozboru.Dále servis, montáž a návrhy úpraven vody a drobné instalatérské práce spojené s výše uvedeným.Oblast Praha a Středočeský kraj, mimo uvedenou oblast po dohodě.

Švancarová Zdena

Card Reading, Intuitive Writing, Spiritual Healing. Zdena Švancarová, you know her from TV Prima's dream interpretation. At the age of seven, she began to communicate with the beings of the Universe in their language. Through Intuitive Clairvoyance, Intuitive Writing or Tarot card reading, you will learn answers regarding past lives, present and future. Spiritual healing gives you the opportunity…

Centrum Harfa s.r.o. - Kancelářské a zasedací prostory Praha

The company Areál Harfa s. R. O in Prague 9 provides a registered office for companies and other related services. Short-term rental of offices and meeting rooms. Sales, management and rental of real estate. Technical property management. Registration of the company's registered office in the Commercial Register. We offer you a contract for the location of the headquarters in our…