Retraining courses

Want to improve your professional qualifications? Attend retraining courses and the focus on social care, catering, hospitality and food industry, customer service, computer courses, language courses, education, health, administration or finance.

DRAKAS s.r.o.

Advice and consultation in the field of: - protection of classified information (previously classified facts) - according to Act No. 412/2005 Coll. etc. - protection of persons, property and information - quality management system according to ISO standards - Human Resource Management. Organizational consulting. Educational activities including lecturing in the above areas. Graphological…

IAA CZ s.r.o.

Services: - comprehensive training of your employees in the field of quality tools - audits - consulting and advisory activities in the areas of: QMS implementation, implementation of integrated system, project management, customer representative, supplier quality assurance, etc.

Ilona Sachová

Kurzy - snižování nadváhy Nutriční terapeut a dietní sestra - diety při všech onemocněních - výživa sportovců - pooperační, výživná a realimentační dieta - propagace zdravé výživy - přednášky - ochutnávky kurzy - snižování nadváhy

EKO-Signet, s.r.o.

Consulting for companies in fulfilling their obligations in the field of the environment External provision of the corporate ecologist function Audit from the point of view of the company's activities and arising obligations Cooperation in the implementation of ISO for ŽP Monitoring and maintaining a register of legal requirements Organization of training, education of employees

EDLiT, s.r.o.

Educational agency - motivational courses - business skills courses - accredited educational programs - management skills - personal development of the employee - courses for workers in social services - education of pedagogues, social workers - language courses - retraining Services - translations, translation services