Language schools and courses

Language schools and courses for children, youth, adults and seniors. Learn English, German, French, Spanish, English or another world language, which dorozumíte everywhere. You have a choice of lots of romance, slavic and germanic languages.


STUDENT AGENCY is the largest language travel agency in the Czech and Slovak Republics and the largest ticket seller. Activity: - work programs abroad - language stays for adults - language stays for children and young people - Au pair stays - Study in Australia and New Zealand - language stays for managers - year in high school and university - school trips. Tickets, tel .:…


AU** PAIR stays in the USA*, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Holland, Norway, Denmark. Study abroad: -studying world languages in 16 countries world -holiday stays for children and youth -language stays for adults -study stays with work in Australia, Ireland, Great Britain -courses for entrepreneurs and managers -courses completed by a world-renowned exam …


Language stays abroad for children and youth, adults and managers. Language stays for the undemanding. Working stays. Work programs abroad for students and non-students. Study in Australia and New Zealand with the possibility to work Flight tickets Euro weekends Charters Visa Insurance Tours Accommodation abroad Car rental abroad Optional trips Tickets International tickets. Bus…

Student agency Jihlava

Language stays abroad for children and youth, adults and managers. Language stays for the undemanding. Working stays. Work programs abroad for students and non-students. Study in Australia and New Zealand with the possibility to work Flight tickets Euro weekends Charters Visa Insurance Tours Accommodation abroad Car rental abroad Optional trips Tickets International tickets. Bus…

Tomáš Beránek-Betas

Focus on teaching directly in companies, individuals and entire groups. Our lecturers come directly to you. Teaching: -English -French -German -Russian -Czech language teaching for foreigners-Czech For.

Britannia v.o.s.

Language studio. We organize individual teaching of foreign languages for children and adults, tutoring of children in primary and secondary schools - languages, mathematics, physics and other subjects. We also offer individual preparation for entrance exams (multi-year gymnasium, secondary school). Our lecturers come to you.

Step by Step -jazyková škola v.o.s.

Standardně nabízíme výuku angličtiny, němčiny a češtiny pro cizince a to jak obecného tak i odborného jazyka. V případě zájmu zajistíme také výuku dalších jazyků - např: -francouzštiny -španělštiny -švédštiny. Nabízíme Vám následující typy kurzů. Ze dvou různých hledisek je dělíme následovně: 1.Podle počtu studentů (Solo, Tandem, Team) 2.Podle typu rozvrhu…

Daniela Languages - Mgr. Dana Němečková

Private language school and language studio. Focus of teaching We teach both general and professional language. The courses are "tailor-made", we build on the current knowledge of the students, the teaching is adapted to the needs of the students in various areas of their work or business activities. We also take great care to ensure that they can handle common situations that may arise in…

AISE - Americká kulturní výměna

AISE-Americká kulturní výměna. Vzdělávací agentura. Studium v zahraničí. Zprostředkování: -studijní pobyty v zahraničí pro studenty středních škol od 15 do 18 let. Nabízené střední školy (USA*, Německo, Francie): -americká High School, německé gymnázium, francouzské lyceum. Doba studia: -jeden školní rok nebo semestr. Ubytování ve vybraných rodinách. Uchazečům zajistíme…

PHR Training s.r.o.

Management, prodej a marketing: -kurzy -tréninky -poradenství -koučování v nejvyšším standardu kvality. Přidaná hodnota: -detailní analýzy -jedinečné tréninkové přístupy -certifikace -individuální konzultace s účastníky i po tréninku -dlouholeté zkušenosti ve vzdělávání -synergie z působení ve výzkumu trhu.