Textiles, clothing, footwear and accessories

Custom and custom production and subsequent sale of textiles, clothing and footwear offers a range of fashion, business, sports and common types of clothes, shoes, accessories and other textile products from natural and synthetic materials in a full spectrum sizes.

Babiez, s. r. o.

Babiez, s.r.o. offers a wide range of goods for pregnant mothers and their babies up to the age of 3. In the space of 1000 m2 there is everything you can think of. Strollers, car seats, bottles and pacifiers and many other products of well-known and lesser-known brands, such as Concord, Avent, etc.

JAS SLOVAKIA, s. r. o. - organizační složka

Společnost JAS SLOVAKIA navazuje na tradici společnosti ŘEMPO a smluvně zajišťuje pro firmu JAS SLOVAKIA prodej zboží z jejich zásob a provoz eshopu. ŘEMPO se postupem let stalo jednou z největších organizací zásobující malé, střední i velké podniky režijním materiálem zejména v oblasti plastů, pryží, textilií, chemie a drogerie a dalších sortimentů. Vizí naší společnosti je stát se…

Pertec s.r.o. - Pertec s.r.o. – Prací síla pro instituce

Our laundry, located on the Czech-German-Polish border in Hrádek nad Nisou, offers gentle and high-quality large-volume laundry for accommodation, recreational or spa facilities, as well as for gastronomic, sports and medical facilities, industrial and office businesses and schools. We offer laundry not only to large companies, but also to small businesses and citizens from the immediate vicinity…