Consumer goods

Consumer goods includes all material things, which you can buy in a brick and mortar or online stores. This merchandise is a drugstore, cosmetics, books, music, stationery, jewellery, food products, plastic products, textiles and other goods.

Filip Štěpnička - RC modely

Prodejna zabývající se prodejem rc modelů a potřeb pro modeláře. V prodejně najdete rc modely aut, lodí, vrtulníků, tanků a letadel. Samozřejmostí jsou náhradní díly, baterie, nabíječky, atd.. Pro modeláře je připraven kompletní sortiment stavebních materiálů, lepidel, barev, konektorů, bužírek, serv, atd.. Dále poskytujeme servis a poradenství při výběru modelů.

AUTOSERVIS GarosAuto s.r.o.

Visit the GarosAuto car service and tire service in Jablonec nad Nisou and the car dealership in Liberec, the aim of which is to offer professional and quality services for motorists. In a pleasant environment, with a cup of good coffee, our team of professionals will take care of you in all our services, as best they can. We have been operating on the market since 1998, when we began to…

PALT s.r.o.

Export and import dealer of table and lighting glass, crystal chandeliers and designer lamps. - Czech crystal chandeliers - glass parts for classic lamps - glass parts for reconstruction and atypical lamps - glass parts for modern lighting fixtures - modern branded complete lamps indoor and outdoor - glass cylinders for kerosene i electric lamps - complete kerosene lamps -…

Marie Řeholová

Flowers at Maruška's Flower service, festive bouquets, bouquets for birthdays, holidays, Mother's Day and flowers for any occasion. Wedding service - wedding bouquets, extravagant wedding bouquets, meadow wedding bouquets, wedding decoration of churches, gardens, halls, restaurants. Wedding car decorations, flowers for the witness, wedding flowers for mothers, bridesmaids. Potted flowers,…

Jitka Kulhánková - K&K Paráda

-Zakázkové šití -úpravy dámských a pánských oděvů -opravy dámských a pánských oděvů -květinářství -obchod s keramikou -řezané květiny -hrnkové květiny -umělé květiny -floristické zboží -květináče -svíčky -obrázky -dárkové zboží

E-shop s originálními dárky od světových výrobců - Tonino Lamborghini - Jamie Oliver - Dunlop - Laguiole apod. Jedinečné dárky pro každou příležitost. Darujte VIP dárek pro radost!

Veterinární ordinace Pavlovice

Veterinary clinic and surgery. Veterinary, therapeutic and preventive treatment of dogs, cats, ferrets, small rodents, reptiles and exotic animals. -RTG, USG -dental ultrasound -chipping and passports -surgery -interna -laboratory examination -hospitalization -consulting Sales of feed and clinical diets. Sales of breeding needs. Dog salon: -cutting of dogs and cats Office…

MVDr. Věra Samohýlová

Doctor's office MVDr. Věra Samohýlová has been providing comprehensive veterinary services since 1991. In our surgery we provide a wide range of activities in the field of medical and preventive care for animals. We will take care of both small animals and horses, cattle and small ruminants. Part of our clinic is a shop for breeding needs and feed. Veterinary clinic, veterinarian, veterinarian…