Consumer goods

Consumer goods includes all material things, which you can buy in a brick and mortar or online stores. This merchandise is a drugstore, cosmetics, books, music, stationery, jewellery, food products, plastic products, textiles and other goods.

GLASSOR s.r.o.

The Czech company with long tradition in production of blown and hand painted glass Christmas and Easter decorations. Production and creation of glass Christmas and Easter decorations: -traditional decorations -modern designs -every year new collections of our designers according to world trends -manual production by glass blowing -hand painted and decorated ornaments -traditional…


DODÁVKA A MONTÁŽ: - ŽALUZIE: - meziskelní horizontální - interierové - exterierové - vertikální - venkovní rolety ( bezpečnostní ) - MARKÝZY: - navíjecí - korb ( hliníková konstrukce ) - rolovací a sekční garážová vrata - vestavěné zrcadlové skříně - shrnovací koženkové a plastové stěny - venkovní bezpečnostní rolety a mříže - shrnovací dveře ( plné, prosklené …

LUANA s.r.o.

WHOLESALE: - wooden and metal garnishes - all accessories and accessories for window decoration - home accessories SALE: - furniture - bathroom accessories - bathroom curtains - spacer bars for bathrooms PRODUCTION AND SALE: - home textiles - bedding sets (cotton, crepe, satin) - sheets ( terrycloth, JERSEY ) - curtains and drapes - kitchen accessories (gloves, tablecloths,…, s.r.o.

Prodej, maloobchod: -kočárky -dětské a kojenecké zboží ( oblečení, postýlky, židličky, dětský nábytek, ... ) -monitory, vysílačky na hlídání -autosedačky -internetový prodej -rozvoz zboží v regionu zdarma -dětské oblečení -internetový prodej -rozvoz zboží po regionu zdarma -dětský nábytek (postýlky, židličky, ...)

Drogerie Horizont - ESPACE velkoobchod drogerie s.r.o.

Espace deals with the sale, wholesale and retail of cosmetic and drugstore goods in Liberec. Drogerie Prima has been operating on our market since 2007. It offers an extensive range of cosmetic items for end customers. It provides promotion through monthly leaflets, which are distributed in and around stores. It operates throughout the Czech Republic. The main goal of Prima Drogerie is the…

Prima Drogerie - ESPACE velkoobchod drogerie s.r.o.

Espace deals with the sale, wholesale and retail of cosmetic and drugstore goods in Lomnice nad Popelkou. Drogerie Prima has been operating on our market since 2007. It offers an extensive range of cosmetic items for end customers. It provides promotion through monthly leaflets, which are distributed in and around stores. It operates throughout the Czech Republic. The main goal of Prima…

Drogeta - ESPACE velkoobchod drogerie s.r.o.

Espace deals with the sale, wholesale and retail of cosmetics and drugstore goods in Turnov. Drogerie Prima has been operating on our market since 2007. It offers an extensive range of cosmetic items for end customers. It provides promotion through monthly leaflets, which are distributed in and around stores. It operates throughout the Czech Republic. The main goal of Prima Drogerie is the…

Železářství Karel - Karel Schwarz

Maloobchod, prodej: - ruční elektrické nářadí - ruční nářadí EXTOL - přímočaré pily - úhlové brusky - laserové vodováhy - sekery - okružní pily - vrtací kladiva - zahradní mechanizace - sekačky - spojovací materiál - hliníkové žebříky - čerpadla - zemina - semena - domácí potřeby - kotle - sporáky - kouřovina - řetězové pily - benzinové a elektrické pily…