Consumer goods

Consumer goods includes all material things, which you can buy in a brick and mortar or online stores. This merchandise is a drugstore, cosmetics, books, music, stationery, jewellery, food products, plastic products, textiles and other goods.

ESO Liberec, s.r.o.

Bezpečnostní agentura - ochrana majetku a osob - návrhy forem střežení - tvorba strážních grafikonů - provádění aktivizací - poradenská služba Výcvik psů - pro tělesně postižené - pro nevidomé slepecký pes - dle požadavků klientů Psi - nákup a prodej (dodání na objednávku) - poradenská služba

Hana Sacká

Sales of musical instruments. Import and sale of music CDs and DVDs with music called Bluegrass Music. Sales, eshop: - musical instruments - instructional materials aimed at teaching playing acoustic instruments - accessories for musical instruments - strings, picks tuners ... - CD and DVD with Bluegrass Music.