Consumer goods

Consumer goods includes all material things, which you can buy in a brick and mortar or online stores. This merchandise is a drugstore, cosmetics, books, music, stationery, jewellery, food products, plastic products, textiles and other goods.

Ivan Herčík

Mr. Ivan Herčík runs a glass, ceramics, porcelain and gift shop in Jičín. As part of the offered goods, we sell utilitarian glass, ceramics, porcelain and souvenirs and gifts. We also offer custom sandblasting of texts and images on glass and porcelain. Products offered: - utility glass - ceramics - porcelain - gift and souvenir items - sandblasting of texts and images. You can… - Milan Krynek

Online store, e-shop, e-shop, sale: - natural cosmetics based on aromatherapy, plant and essential oils, organic cosmetics and CPK - massage oils - amulets, talismans - textiles - scarves, shawls, bedspreads - semi-precious stones - costume jewelry - statuettes - bedspreads - candles, candlesticks - lamps, lamps - incense sticks, incense sticks - smoke detectors -…

HEST - VÝROBA KNEDLÍKŮ - Stanislava Kufnerová

Always fresh and tasty sweet and savory dumplings, potato pancakes and gnocchi are produced and delivered by Mrs. Stanislava Kufnerová. In our assortment you can find bread and potato dumplings, bacon, multigrain dumplings, fruit dumplings, gnocchi, poppy cones and many other goodies. You can find us at Na Kameni 22, Jaroměř - Pražské Předměstí. Dumpling plant, production, wholesale, retail: …

SYNERGIE - Iva Škodová

Internetový obchod, eshop, e-shop, prodej: - kávovary: - automatické kávovary Nivona - ruční kávovary - pákové, překapávací - moka konvičky - české ruční mlýnky na kávu - french pressy - aero press - džezvy - porcelán a sklo na kávu - skleničky a gastronomický inventář - mlýnky na kávu - zrnková káva a mletá káva - delikatesy: - sušená rajčata,…

Vladimír Minařík

Confectionery. Confectionery production to order: - desserts, mini desserts - cakes, wedding, birthday, children's, anniversary cakes. Sweet-shop. Sale: - desserts, cups, ice cream.

MVDr. Martina Taslerová - mobilní veterinární ordinace

Veterinarian MVDr. Martina Taslerová runs a veterinary surgery and a mobile veterinary service. We provide preventive care and treatment for dogs, cats and small livestock. We provide chipping, tattoos, minor surgeries, sonographic examinations and removal of tartar with ultrasound. Our surgery is located in the town of Dvůr Králové nad Labem on 17 November Street. Veterinary surgery,…

AGROmarket - Patrik Semrád

Prodejna AGROmarket Patrik Semrád nabízí široký sortiment hospodářských, zahradnických a domácích potřeb. Prodáváme krmiva, nářadí, spojovací materiál, železářské zboží i rybářské potřeby. Najdete nás ve městě Třebechovice pod Orebem, ulice Havlíčkova. Naše nabídka, maloobchod, prodej: - zahrádkářské potřeby - zahradnické nářadí (hrábě, motyčky, lopaty, pilky, nůžky, sekery, vidle, rýče,…