Consumer goods

Consumer goods includes all material things, which you can buy in a brick and mortar or online stores. This merchandise is a drugstore, cosmetics, books, music, stationery, jewellery, food products, plastic products, textiles and other goods.

Ludmila Holmanová

Production and import of knitwear. Sewing - T-shirts, pyjamas, sweatpants, sweatshirts, leggings - all including oversized sizes. Production of cuts in the CAD system. Sewing jerseys according to customer requirements. Embroidery on parts, caps and finished products. Processing of graphic designs for embroidery machines. Supplies of embroidery programs. Advertising textiles for companies and…

Ludmila Petrová

We will create wedding, prom, prom, social or everyday dresses to order. We will advise and propose several models for you, which will create harmony with your personality in terms of color, cut and shape. Certainly the most suitable material for the model you have chosen. We tailor dresses, suits, skirts, tunics, trousers or any other garment. We will create a dress for you in your style,…

Lenka Poprová

Prodej - sklo - ručně broušené - vázy - žardiniéry - popelníky - skleničky - flakonky Prodej - bižuterie ruční práce - bižuterní soupravy - náhrdelníky - náramky - naušnice Restaurace - kapacita 60 míst Turistická ubytovna - kapacita 28 lůžek (čtyřlůžkové) - vybavená kuchyňka - plná penze, polopenze - možnost…