Consumer goods

Consumer goods includes all material things, which you can buy in a brick and mortar or online stores. This merchandise is a drugstore, cosmetics, books, music, stationery, jewellery, food products, plastic products, textiles and other goods.

Pneuservis A s.r.o.

Service: - tire service - car repairs. Personal tire service: -services for passenger cars, vans, offroads - changing all types of tires, from the smallest sizes up to 24" - balance of regular and special wheels -removal and installation of worn tires, including balancing -tread check and recommendations on when to change tires - sale of new pneumatic tires. Truck tire service: -…

Pneuservis A s.r.o.

Service: - tire service - car repairs. Personal tire service: -services for passenger cars, vans, offroads - changing all types of tires, from the smallest sizes up to 24" - balance of regular and special wheels -removal and installation of worn tires, including balancing -tread check and recommendations on when to change tires - sale of new pneumatic tires. Truck tire service: -…

HRAČKÁRNA.CZ - Internetový obchod s hračkami

Hračká Internet sales of toys and games for boys and girls of all ages The toy e-shop offers: - Toys for boys: toy cars, car tracks, trains, garages, tools, robots, balls, kits, TransFormers figures, soldiers, models of airplanes and ships, pistols, swords, ... - Toys for girls: Barbie dolls, Chou Chou, Bratz, Hello Kitty, Baby Born babies, Baby Annabell, Littlest PetShop, Disney…

EASYTOYS.CZ - Internetový prodej hraček

Internet sales of toys E-shop: - toys and games Toys for the little ones - sensory, talking, musical toys, pulling and riding toys, rocking horses, rattles, teethers, cubes and inserts. Toys for girls - dolls, babies Hello Kitty, Disney fairies, Barbie, Baby Annabell, Chou Chou, Lego duplo. Toys for boys - toy cars Matchbox, Hot Wheels, Tonka, car tracks, garages, trains, train tracks,…

Spektrum Zdraví

Internet portal for health and healthy lifestyle. Health and beauty: - instructions - advice - recommendations. The effect of the moon on the human body and psyche, online lunar calendar. Medicinal plants, healthy foods, recipes for health. Healthy garden: - tips and tricks - establishing a garden - plant care. DNA sequencing: - analysis of biological material - research of…

René Libiš - Stylové-dě

Stylové-dě ( představují exkluzivní kolekci Dolly od prestižní značky Le Petit Tom®, která především nápaditými sukýnkami, baletním oblečením a doplňky pro malé princezny i chlapce, dobývá celý svět od Nizozemí přes půl Evropy a USA až do Austrálie. Vysoce kvalitní dětské oblečení od Le Petit Tom® je inspirováno slavnými hvězdami, oblíbenými pohádkovými postavami a…

Pneuservis KOPECKÝ - Pavel Kopecký

Pneuservis Kopecký provides you with the following services based on many years of experience: Sale, exchange: - new tires, oils and light bulbs for passenger cars - tires for vans, SUVs, 4x4 vehicles Repairs: - tire defects, tube sticking Services: - tire storage - engine oil change - replacement of brake pads - renovation of headlights - tire repairs outside the service…


Car service, car repair shop. Repairs, service. - mechanical repairs - body work - diagnostics. Installation, fulfillment: - car air conditioning, air conditioning for cars. Tire service. Repair, replacement: - tires. Towing service. Sale. - auto parts, spare parts for all car brands Car rental. Rental, rental: - carts for cars.

Kotram s.r.o.

Metalworking. Production: - metal fences, fence fields. Tire service. Sales, repairs, replacement, replacement: - tires for cars and vans. Car service. Repairs, replacements: - oils and filters for cars and trucks - brakes, bearings, shock absorbers, exhausts. Car wash. Manual washing of vehicles. Road transport. Sales, installation, assembly: -oil stove. Sale: -…