Games and toys

Games and toys for girls and for boys enrich every childhood. Get because your kids board games, wooden games, creative toys, experimental sets, building blocks, puzzles, stuffed animals, or to be didactic and educational games. This ensures them great fun.

Miroslav Vojta - OK-TOYS

E-shop focused on toys from quality and proven Czech and foreign manufacturers. The offer includes wooden, metal, plush toys, games and kits for children of all ages, such as Merkur, Cheva, Dino, Igráček, Alex, Falk, Lego and others.

Zdeněk Nožička

Pomáháme a podporujeme: - kreativní a tvořivé lidi v jejich aktivitách, aby se inspirovali a vytvořili zajímavé věci. Návody na tvoření, nápady a informace o nových kreativních technikách. Prodej: - výrobků pro radost, šperky, textil, hračky a dekorace.

Ing. Václav Hynek

Construction and trading company. Works, constructions: - masonry work - earthworks and landscaping - plastering work - repairs and addition of sandstone elements with artificial stone - roofing work - locksmith work - liquid insulation of buildings against soil moisture - toys, kits of folk architecture (made of wood). The quality management system applied by the company is…