Food products

Serial and custom-made food products are broken down into many different categories. Choose from a wide selection of for example dairy products, cereals, bakery products, meat products and sausages, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages from the czech republic and abroad.

ZEAS Lysice a.s. - Lysice, ZD

Chovatelství: -skot -drůbež -výkrm prasat. Výroba a prodej: -pracovní oděvy ve všech provedeních -kombinézy -pláště -prošívané kalhoty -kabáty, vesty, košile. Autodoprava: -nákladní-silniční -skříňová AVIE -TATRA -LIAZ-souprava, valník. Prodej: -náhradní díly ke všem zemědělským strojům -pneumatiky na osobní, nákladní auta a traktory -hadice z PVC* a polyuretanu. Doprava: …

Alena Buchtová

Production: - hand-decorated gingerbread of various shapes and sizes according to the customer's wishes. At the same time, we produce oriental sweets - coconut suks, rainbow coconuts and soy bars.

Božena Padělková - Výrobna lahůdek s.r.o.

Ware: -cold kitchen -salads - spreads -sandwiches -lined bowls and more. For festive occasions: - parties -family celebrations -parties and parties - lined bowls made from selected ingredients. Upon request, it is possible to supplement with other raw materials according to the customer's own choice. We make canapés: -mountainous - sardines - plains - salmon -caviar.