Rehabilitation, relaxation and massages

Take a break from everyday worries and experience a classic massage, indian, chinese, lymphatic, chocolate, sports, pregnancy, reflexology, tantric or thai massage. Massage can also have a rehabilitative effect and will help you from health problems.

Chaty Krásné chvíle s.r.o.

The company Chaty Krásné Momentle s.r.o. Frýdek-Místek will provide you with accommodation and rental of luxury cottages in the Beskydy Mountains. Enjoy a great holiday in the mountains and rent our Wallachian cottage, for example. In addition, you can treat yourself to a private wellness area with sauna and hot tub. Our cottages invite you to cozy private accommodation, whether you are…

Kateřina Kusová

Kateřina Kusová focuses on the prevention and treatment of painful conditions of the musculoskeletal system. - in the treatment of the use of heating with an infrared lamp - electrotherapy (analgesic and stimulating currents) - kinesiotaping. I also offer classic (relaxation) or aromatherapy massages and reflex massage of the soles of the feet.

Jana Packová

Jana Packová runs a physiotherapy clinic: - mobilization of joints and spine - mobilization of the ribs by the method of L. Mojžíšková - soft tissue techniques - therapeutic physical education - sensorimotor stimulation - kinesiotaping - the SM system method - reflex therapy - therapeutic, reflex massages - autotherapy

Mgr.Lenka Rusnoková

M.Sc. LENKA RUSNOKOVÁ is a physiotherapist, she treats: - treatment of acute and chronic pain and limitation of the musculoskeletal system: headaches, back pain, herniated discs, joint pain, joint blockages, muscle overload, adhesion pain, scoliosis, arthrosis; - relaxation and stretching of soft tissues, mobilization of joints - proposal to improve the working environment, work ergonomics; …

Mgr. Dagmar Makajová

Physiotherapy - individual treatment and exercises to eliminate back and joint pain - treatment of urinary incontinence (stress, urgent and mixed) in women - Ostrava concept - treatment of some types of female functional sterility using Ludmila Mojžíšová's method - ultrasound therapy - thermotherapy - heating using heat carriers - kinesiotaping - gluing flexible tapes to affected muscles or…

ADOPE s.r.o.

Společnost ADOPE s.r.o. je síť pečovatelských služeb (Frýdek-Místek, Havířov, Olomouc, Opava, Ostrava a Zlín), která poskytuje komplexní služby zdravotní péče pro všechny věkové skupiny v domácím prostředí klienta. Tato služba je vhodná pro pacienty, kteří potřebují odbornou péči, ale nemusí být hospitalizováni. Společnost ADOPE s.r.o. spolupracuje se všemi zdravotními pojišťovnami a má…