MUDr. Bedřich Běhal
Gynecologist general practitioner. Private gynecological clinic (office). Specialist female doctor (gynecology).
Gynecologist general practitioner. Private gynecological clinic (office). Specialist female doctor (gynecology).
Odborný lékař ortopedie, lékař specialista. Ortopedická ordinace. Ambulantní péče.
KLUB ZDRAVÍ PŘEROV provides advice on healthy lifestyle and disease prevention. Our team consists of doctors, healers, masseurs and nutritionists. We focus on natural medicine, we offer treatment procedures according to elements of traditional Chinese or mitochondrial medicine. By means of instrument analysis we evaluate eg your cardiovascular or immune system, thyroid function, rheumatic…
Zdravotnictví. Ordinace: - diabetologický lékař.
Alergologická soukromá ordinace. Odborný lékař alergologie, alergolog. Alergologie a klinická imunologie. Alergologie a klinická imunologie pro děti a dorost.
Odborný lékař radiodiagnostik. Radiodiagnostika. Radiodiagnostické centrum - RTG, ultrazvuk (rentgen, sono). Nukleární medicína.
Zdravotnictví. Odborný lékař psychiatrie. Psychiatr pro děti. Pracoviště dětské psychiatrie. Psychosomatická ordinace pro děti a dorost.
Odborný lékař urologie. Urologická ordinace (ambulance). Urolog.
Speech therapy clinic. The department deals with diagnostics, therapy and prevention of a wide range of communication, language and speech difficulties in children and adults (dyslalia, developmental dysphasia, aphasia, mutism, babbles, tumultus sermonis, dysarthria, palatolalia, SP, DMO, autism spectrum disorders). The workplace is specific to the professional and social issues of…
Odborný lékař gastroenterologie (gastroenterolog). Gastroenterologické centrum a interní ambulance.
Gynecology clinic. Listed at
Healthcare. Surgery: - psychiatrist - psychiatric, psychological outpatient clinic.
Caritas Prerov is a non-profit church organization founded by the Olomouc Archbishop on 3 February 1993 and providing a wide range of social services. Our services include home health and hospice care, charity care, civic counseling, Roma community center and pastoral assistant services. Charity Prerov, our services: Home Health and Hospice Care: - home care is intended for patients who do…
Odborný lékař alergologie, imunologie. Ordinace: - alergologie a klinická imunologie.