General, aesthetic and vascular surgery. Laser center (laser removal of varicose veins, marks, pigment spots ...).
Services: - Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic - teaching, school Auriculotherapy
Services: - nutritional counseling.
Services - kinesiology - music therapy - Bach's flower essences - Reiki. Counseling: - in Podbradec 83, Mšené Lázně
Aesthetics, aesthetic clinic - depilation - acoustic wave: safe therapy for cellulite and lymphatic edema. Mudr. Jan Šmejkal -interna, rheumatology, obesitology.
Surgery, services: - gynecology
Non-governmental medical facility TERAPEUTIKA, s.r.o. is a team of professional therapists with various specializations who are ready to provide you with professional psychological help and support. Our clinics of clinical psychology and psychotherapy can be found in Prague, Čelákovice, Kralupy nad Vltavou and in the town of Odolena Voda. Our services: - psychotherapy (individual, family,…
Educational facilities: - School of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Společnost Stenymed, s.r.o. provozuje oční ordinaci.
Services: - psychotherapeutic advice - art therapy advice
Private andrological practice. Therapy: - male infertility - erectile dysfunction - ejaculation disorders - hormonal disorders - male genital surgery.
Psychiatrická (psychiatrie) a psychoterapeutická ambulance, krizová prevence.
datum zániku: 31.12.2012 Ambulance odborného lékaře gynekologa.
Lékař: -dětská ORL ambulance -ušní, nosní, krční.
Privátní ordinace korektivní dermatologie a estetiky. Dermatolog, kožní lékař.
Úrazová nemocnice: -specializovaná léčebně preventivní péče a vědeckovýzkumná činnost v oboru celé traumatologie a speciální chirurgie.
Český červený kříž: -úřad oblastního spolku (ÚOS*) Brno-venkov. Oblastní spolek Brno-město: -Křenová 66, 602 00 Brno tel.: 549241992 fax: 541211569 e-mail [email protected]
Surgical outpatient clinic, specialization: -proctology, phlebology and laparoscopic surgery -rehabilitation - lymphatic drainage - consultation for ostomies.