Psychological counselling

In the case of psychological problems it is advisable to visit the psychological counseling center, where you can consult with the individual psychological difficulties such as depression, nervousness, anxiety, and low self-esteem, migraines, insomnia, tics, education or relationships.

Domov Jitka o.p.s. - obecně prospěšná společnost

Home Jitka o.p.s. based in Vsetín is a weekly inpatient facility for people with mental and combined disabilities. At the same time, we also provide a respite service, when a carer needs someone to take care of a family member with a disability if they cannot. We provide the service for a few days, weeks, or even months. Our clients are women and men between the ages of 18 and 78. The services…

Pečovatelská služba Městec Králové, s.r.o.

Nursing service Městec Králové, s.r.o. provides social services to seniors, persons with reduced self-sufficiency or with disabilities. We provide care services to clients in the field or outpatient form, as well as personal assistance or relief services in their home natural environment. We also operate a rental of compensatory aids. Care service:  - field care service offers assistance and…